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How to Handle Digital Sexual Harassment at Work: California Sexual Harassment Lawyer      

A California sexual harassment lawyer can assist in obtaining justice for employees who have been victimized by digital sexual harassment in the modern workplace. Nevertheless, before justice can be served, harassment should be prevented. This article provides information on how to prevent online sexual harassment at work with the help of the best California sexual harassment lawyer.

Even though workplace sexual harassment is generally recognized as gender discrimination and a violation of human rights, and is prohibited in more than 70 countries, but still it persists. Regulation or commercial incentives have not succeeded in eradicating it. Experts say that since the COVID-19 outbreak triggered a lockdown, workplace sexual harassment has skyrocketed, and sexual predators have developed new ways to harm and abuse the digital workplace, such as zoom, skype, and meet. As remote work becomes the new normal and the home becomes an extension of the office, a new type of sexual harassment known as digital sexual harassment is emerging.

What is Digital Sexual Harassment?

According to psychologists, harassing someone who is not physically there in front of you is simpler. Because there is no fear of a victim’s rapid reaction or actions.

Thanks to smartphones, we’re always interconnected these days. While being available and exposed all the time has numerous advantages, modern technologies have also made it simpler for harassers to pounce on their targets.

Sexual harassment can not only include unwelcome digital contacts it also includes verbal and physical encounters. There are two types of online sexual harassment:

  1. The victim is subjected to undesired content posted about anyone (including the harasser and victim) personally.

In this category, the victim receives sexually explicit words or photographs in emails, SMS, or instant messages. Harassers may send provocative images or videos to their victims.

  1. The victim is subjected to undesired content posted about the victim publicly.

The victim in this category receives sexually explicit comments, rumors, photos, or videos without consent which are shared publicly on social media platforms, online forums, text, WhatsApp, group emails, or any other electronic medium. It also includes using sexual or gender-based negative terms about any employee at the workplace.

Although the United States has federal cyberstalking legislation that covers online harassment. Several states, such as California, Illinois, and Massachusetts, have their laws. Create a training program that reflects the concepts of online sexual harassment and the regulations that govern it.

Despite being harder to detect than physical harassment, online harassment is just as damaging. It is high time that every employer ensures your organization has mechanisms, tools, and training in place to combat digital sexual harassment. 

Preventing Digital Sexual Harassment at the workplace

Because online sexual harassment occurs online rather than in public, it might be difficult to identify. There are, however, measures to safeguard your personnel.

     1. Use technology against technology to combat spammers and harassers:

Do not share your meeting ids and passwords on social media groups as events. Look for an end-to-end encryption meeting platform. Use authenticator apps for safe login.

    2. Demonstrate your company’s commitment to a zero-harassment workplace. 

Create a comprehensive sexual harassment policy that includes online conduct. Be clear about the zero-tolerance policy and the consequences of compliance. Ensure that the policy is followed at all times. Encourage your staff to share their ideas on how to make your workplace safer from online sexual harassment.

    3. Develop an anti-harassment tone from the top down. 

It involves demonstrating your company’s values, taking complaints seriously, and supporting any changes resulting from online harassment. Above all, supervisors should never retaliate against an employee who discloses wrongdoing.

    4. If employees are being harassed online, they should be able to speak up.

Make it easy to report harassment. There should be a specific phone number, email address, helpline, and webform, as well as other reporting options. Do not ignore reports. When an employer ignores reports or delays investigations, the employer sends a message to workers that they value the reputation of your company above all else.

     5. Separately train managers and staff in separate workshops. 

Training for managers should include information on how to protect themselves, their colleagues, and the organization from the repercussions of online sexual harassment. Employee seminars should allow participants to make comments and ask questions. You can learn more about sexual harassment at work or another institutions here Boucher LLP


Since we spend a lot of time online, virtual sexual harassment has emerged as a big, yet often disregarded, concern at home and work. Using technology, compliance training, and California sexual harassment lawyers’ expert guidance combating online sexual harassment at the workplace can be prevented.


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