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Home & Garden

How to Celebrate Spring with A Simple and Stylish Garden Makeover!

                                                                                        Image by Maxwell Hamilton

Spring is on its way; you can smell it in the air (almost). What better way to celebrate the warmer weather by giving your garden a much needed makeover? Even those of us who have the greenest of fingers will find our gardens get a bit of a battering over the winter, especially with all this terrible weather we’ve been having. Let’s have a look at some stylish and simple ways you can makeover your garden, in time for Spring.

A quick clean up

If you have been affected by any of the bad weather we’ve been having the last few months, then there’s probably going to be a bit of a cleanup job to be done in your garden. Whether the winds have blown your garden furniture everywhere, or the rain has turned your grass into swamp, it is important to tackle these things first. Check the weather forecast for a dry day, grab your wellies and get out in the garden. Anything that is damaged should be piled into a corner, for repair when you get the time, with everything else being put back into its rightful place. If your soil has turned to mud then wait until it is dry and use a rototiller to clear it up. You may need to replace some areas of grass or turf that have been spoiled, or sprinkle a heavy helping of lawn seeds over your muddy patches.

Vital repairs

The gale force winds we have been experiencing lately have certainly done some damage to a lot of our gardens. If you’ve had any damage in your garden then it’s important to get your repairs done as soon as possible. Replace cracked paving slabs, put up new garden fencing and get rid of anything that is beyond repair. Only once you’ve completed the clear up, and vital repairs, will you be able to move onto the more exciting parts of garden revamping!


You should hopefully now have a garden that is no longer a muddy swamp, with pieces of garden fence strewn everywhere. It’s now time for the exciting part; the makeover. Here are some of our top tips to create a stylish garden quickly, easily and on a budget:

  • A splash of color – There’s nothing better than having beautifully colored foliage around your garden, so invest in some new plants to dot around. If you’re on a budget, then check out boot fairs and garden center sales for cheap and cheerful flowers.

  • Evergreens – We love evergreen plants, as they stop our garden looking so drab when the winter comes back. A few small evergreen plants will add style to any garden.

  • Vegetable patches and herb gardens – There is something really satisfying about cooking with your own vegetables or herbs. We’re not saying you have to become fully self sufficient, but a little herb garden wouldn’t go amiss.

If you have a little bit more cash to spend then consider some new garden furniture in time for Spring, as well. Oh, and don’t forget the barbecue!

We hope that your garden hasn’t been too damaged by this winter’s storms and that our tips help you get it back up to scratch. Good luck and happy Springtime!


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

2 thoughts on “How to Celebrate Spring with A Simple and Stylish Garden Makeover!

  • Thanks for these great tips! I’m am so looking forward to all this snow melting and getting outside to work in our gardens.

  • Thank you for these tips. I am in the process of planning our garden for this year, Crazy times. These tips helped get things organized. We didn’t get to many storms just lots of freezing so hopefully once it all thaws and melts things will be ok down there.


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