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Home & Garden

Here’s How You Can Save Money by Cooking at Home

We usually spend a lot of money eating out or ordering home-delivered food. But, cooking at home can save us a lot of expenses on food. And in doing so, your overall diet and health will also get healthier.

As such, we have curated this guide that’ll help you save money by cooking at home. Mind you, this isn’t a guide on how to cook like a professional chef. But rather a guide on how to cook efficiently as a home cook and save a lot of money in the process. So, let’s get started.

Make a Grocery Shopping List

Make a list of the items you will need. Make sure you stick to the list. Do not buy things that lure you into spending more money. You can make the list for a week’s purchase or monthly purchase.

Check your kitchen cupboards before making the list as we often tend to forget all the items we have loaded from our previous purchases. This ensures that you don’t miss out on buying the items or purchase something you already have.

Bulk Purchase of Grocery

Purchasing in bulk is always profitable and you save a lot of money. Most items last a long time and do not spoil over time. So buy those items in bulk. Bulk purchase not only saves your money, but it also saves your time. It saves you from frequently running to the grocery store again and again.

You can also go online grocery shopping. They sell good quality fresh products which are affordable and are delivered to your doorstep. This will save your transportation fee to the grocery store too.

Instead of Canned Food, Cook from Raw Materials

Canned food is food stored in preservatives to last them for long. Canned food is no doubt easy to cook but they lack the nutrition that you get from fresh ingredients. You can cook from fresh items any way you like, and add spices to them according to your desired taste.

Canned food is expensive. Whereas cooking with fresh raw materials from scratch is cheaper and healthier. 

Create a Meal from what you have at Home

We tend to get food cravings all the time. Put a pause on those cravings and cook from what you have at home. Be self-sufficient while eating your meal and procrastinate your cravings for later. This saves you from making a hole in your pocket for the mere purpose of satisfying your food cravings.

Make use of Leftover Food

Do not throw away leftover food after the completion of a meal. Save the leftovers for later. You can freeze the leftovers if you are going to eat them after a long time. Or you can reheat the food if it’s not spoiled after your previous meal. Take out a day of the week just to finish those leftovers so that they do not rot inside your refrigerator.

Cook your own meal

To cook your meal, first, you need to learn how to cook. Start small, then try on different ingredients and recipes. You can seek someone who knows to cook or refer to the numerous tutorials available online. Cooking your own meals instead of restaurant orders saves you a lot of money. 

Shop for Grocery on Sale

When you go grocery shopping, look out for the items on sale. Buy them in bulk. Items which need to be frozen, put in the fridge. Look for items with free offers. This way, you save a lot of money and make use of kitchen items for a long time without running out of produce.

Grocery Shop Membership or Discount Card

A grocery shop is a place that you visit very often. You do not have an alternative for that other than online grocery shopping. So if you are a person who chooses to carefully select and shop for fresh grocery products then get a membership card. Look for a grocery store that gives away membership cards to their regular customers. Some store also gives discount cards from time to time or free products over the purchase of a certain amount.

Do not pay extra money for Packaging

Most grocery stores charge extra money for packaging. This packaging is not reusable most of the time. Start to learn to carry your own bags to the grocery store. Preferably carry a biodegradable bag like jute or cotton. Say no to plastic bags, this way you not only save the packaging money but you can also contribute to a clean environment.

Local Market over Super Market

Supermarkets mostly keep branded products in the store. So goods in the supermarket have a fixed price which is non-negotiable. You can buy products there for credit either.

Local markets provide everyday fresh fruits and vegetables from the fields and gardens. The price is less compared to the supermarket and you can even negotiate in your final billing. Sometimes these local traders even give you stuff on credit if you are a regular customer. 

Make your own Dip (sauces, dressings, seasonings)

Fancy dips are found in small portions but are expensive and you have to throw away most of them. Try and learn to make your own sauces, dressing, and seasonings. Get on your creative foot. Mix and match ingredients to make the perfect dip for yourself. 


As you’ve seen, cooking your own food can save you a lot of money. But you have to be smart and make a budget before going grocery shopping. Don’t get distracted by goods that are not really essential. Do not spend too much, look out for sales, discounts and get a membership card. Cooking is a calming and healing process, so try and see if it works for you.



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