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Here Is Your Horoscope For 2020

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

By February, a year-long wave of tremendous luck floods through your life — but particularly in those arenas which were so weakened in 2019 (sports, education, travel, culture, ethics/law, love, etc.).

It will take you a month or more to believe this luck (you’ve been tricked before) but by March a set of heavy responsibilities begins to lift off your shoulders, and by April you’re a believer. You’ll catch yourself whistling, the bounce returns to your step, and optimism radiates from you!

You’re urged, this spring and November/December in particular, to expand, to travel, to take a chance — to make your life grow! A long voyage, or stepping into higher education, would bring deep, solid, life-long rewards.

You’re now entering a two-year phase of skinny pay cheques. You seriously need to reduce debt. During the summer, and even more so in 2021, you will face an opportunity to build a major career, security, or financial edifice which could stand for the next three or more decades. Build this slowly, carefully — no hasty impulses.

Your new optimism will increase your amorous appeal. A lifetime love could literally drop into your lap. This is big, valid stuff, Aries. Accept it, be ready to bond totally with another — happiness will result! If you chase casual sex, you’ll harvest disappointment, a heavy burden, and days of angry spats.

Deep, committed intimacy comes easily, particularly February to early May, and July/August. (Careful with STD’s, and don’t invest impulsively during these months.) Romance is sweet, dramatic, August to October. By Sept. /Oct. you’re ready to wed, travel the world, or jump into any adventurous, lucky opportunity!

DON’T start a lawsuit this summer/autumn — it would cost you a fortune. Unusual, friendly, spiritual people seek your friendship, but you’ll fare better if you chase one deep, sweet romance (or creative or speculative project) rather than popularity.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Popularity still benefits you this January and early February. As indicated by the love horoscope 2020, you can pluck light, spontaneous romance (and sex) from almost any social bough. You’re prone to flirt with powerful people. You’re filled with optimism about financial and other deep, life-changing developments. Act on this optimism — it will pay off either very quickly, or by late summer.

From mid-February through June, and again November/December, your worldly luck ebbs. Life shunts you into a contemplative, inner role. This same influence gives you a rare chance to free yourself of old fears and burdens. These months are excellent for research, government dealings, therapy and confidential discussions/planning.

Summertime brings luck, optimism, and some very valid (though embryonic) financial and sexual opportunities. But don’t commit if you’re uncertain: these doors will open again in 2021, in a wider, even luckier way.

Overall, your mood grows more serious in 2020. You’ll deal increasingly with legal, ethical, or social approval issues. Strive to bolster your cultural and educational credentials (e.g., join the opera society). This can help you advance now to 2021. Your understanding of life will expand, in quiet but deep ways.

You’re ready to assume more responsibility, and you might marry as an expression of this. Sexual gratification, perhaps childbirth, arrives this summer and again in 2021. On and off all year, you’ll experience moments of hot, impulsive attraction (February to May, and July/August) — handle these warily, or they could lead to angry love, clandestine affairs, or downright enmity.

This is not a “lucky” year to pursue career goals. You’ll progress more (and more smoothly) if you focus instead on your home, family or real estate interests, foundational or territorial matters in business (e.g., sales territory) and on all security themes. In these you can do no wrong, and could create something which will bless you for up to two decades!

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Your career prospects remain buoyant through mid-February. You might have started a new endeavor last October-December which is certain to bring you more prominence and financial reward for the first months of the year 2020. Go all out to expand this project now (January/February) or to start a new, significant career venture. Steer your career efforts toward communications, media, humanitarian, educational, cultural or international (travel) fields, as these will prove most rewarding for you through the next 27 years. Your popularity soars February to June, and November/December, which gives an extra boost to any ambitions involving the public.

From February to June, and again November/December, you’ll find prestige, ambitions, and relations with VIPs take an easier, more sociable path. These times bring rewards for the hard work you previously performed. You’re quite likely to be promoted!

If you think back to 2019, you might remember that a new social circle flowed in to surround you: bright, cheerful people who represented the entry to a different way of life, even to the realm of secret knowledge. (Or some of these people tempted you toward clandestine love affairs.) This expansion of social contacts now occurs again, February to June, and in the autumn — this time, though, the secrecy is gone, replaced by a new openness. You will meet bright, well-travelled people who are interested in expanding their mental and spiritual horizons. You could fall in love with one of these persons. Long-held wishes of marriage can come true. Romance is particularly powerful in January, April to June, September/October and December.

Take care with your health February to early May and July/August, when work demands could fray your nerves. Avoid cuts and burns. Your worldly luck declines slightly July to October: take a quiet approach these months, work in the background, and plan ahead to make a big winter push toward lucky success!

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

All the hard work you’ve performed for the last two years is about to translate into a major streak of ambitious luck from February to June, and again November into 2021! Your chances of promotion are at a 12-year peak. Employment wishes tend to come true July through October. It’s a prime year to start giant ambitious projects: your own business, a new career, etc!

You’ve had a pretty wild ride in relationships during the past decade, especially if you’re single. Your romantic (sexual) curiosity tended to stir up a potent brew — too potent for lasting peace! Last year, a philosophical mellowness returned to your love connections, but you still possessed a deep need to “handle” other people in an ambitious rather than give-and-take manner, which did little to solve outstanding grievances with ex-mates or present spouses. On the plus side, you’re getting a walloping bunch of insights to people, personalities, and life. William Blake said, Only a fool can become wise: you’re 80 per cent there (to wisdom, that is).

That mix of mellow understanding and driving ambition continues through February. By March you enter a two-year phase which finally solves marital problems (equally happily for both) and brings singles at least one truly compatible, mate-worthy prospect. You might meet the right person at a group affair, such as picnics, company parties, or a formal dinner.

From February to April, and July/August, a hot, heavy romantic situation could develop. You might be torn between someone you know is good for you, and a sharp, urgent need for another, less worthy person. Stay with the “good,” Cancer!

You can easily redirect any burning desires into creative career efforts. Don’t let tension build in your home in January, May or June. Overall, you are entering a time of less stress, of a calmer view of your future. Organizations you join after March (especially this summer) can bring you benefits and new opportunities for many years.

LEO (July 23-August 22)

The past year (through this February) brought a significant change in lifestyle, net worth, or sexual relations to many Leos. You might feel that you were forced into this change or that it came with many stressful moments.

Well, 2020 brings peace of a sort. You still need to avoid tension and temperament at home or involving legal, media, ethical issues from February to early May and July/August. (Think of Bill Clinton, a Leo.) Your stomach needs care during these months.

But true peace of mind also arrives this year, via a philosophical resolution for pliable Leos, via legal processes for stubborn or stressed-out Leos. You have a choice: to open your arms wide to a joyous new world, or to continue a secretive power-struggle stance. You know what to do, Leo.

This year brings huge opportunities in love and in international, media, cultural, intellectual fields. This is an excellent time (especially February to June and November/December) to enter college or university, to travel to foreign shores, or to dally romantically with a person who will open your mind to bright new visions of life’s joy. But, Leo, it is NOT a good year to marry, nor to form business partnerships. Learn, love, welcome the world, but stop short of commitment.

Your career enters a new, sober and serious phase for two years. You might have to deal with the consequences of past actions, but you can also begin to build a tremendously strong ambitious structure (in July/August, and again in 2021) — one that could last for the next three decades. The time’s right to begin a career or business in creative, intellectual, legal, import-export or similar fields.

Romance thrills most January/February (in a challenging way) and June to early October, when your personal charisma draws some unusual yet fascinating admirers. You do need to watch, now to 2011, any tendency to bond with co-dependent or drug/alcohol types.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22)

Love and money have drawn you into a complex situation these past several years — one that is finally about to change. For some, a long, draining financial or sexual involvement is finally dissolving, whether through a legal process, a mere handshake goodbye, or a mutual shunning of company. For other, happier Virgos, a long, slow but deep growth of financial/sexual intertwining is about to blossom into the next stage, of openness, social acceptance, and perhaps a marriage destined to last many, many years. (You already know in which camp you belong.)

Whatever your present situation, a stroke of major luck is about to rush into the financial, private, sexual and security-based sectors of your life, mid-February through June, and again November/December into early 2021. This will heal any pains and losses of the past few years, both emotionally and financially.

You could strike a money jackpot during these months. Investments are favored IF you avoid haste, impulse February to April and July/August. It’s an excellent year to research, study occultism, learn financial secrets, or to begin therapy. Seek knowledge, not sympathy.

Life continues to nudge you to change your residence, family set-up or lifestyle. April 2020 to February 2021 favors such action.

The major transformations you go through in 2020 will create much paperwork, messaging and detail late January to early May, and July/August.

Tackle these promptly, carefully, and deliberately, as they’re necessary to resolve the dilemmas of past years. Money flows to you and from you with surprising swiftness in January and May/June: again, pace your spending!

This isn’t a romantic year, but it certainly is filled with sexual gratifications (childbirth for some). The beginnings of deep, comfortable love appear. February to mid-April bring sweet liaisons (old flame in March?). October/November heighten someone’s allure — and your courage to pursue!

LIBRA (September 23-October 22)

Your romance sensors have been humming since early 2019. But for almost as long, life’s only presented you with “compromise mates” (or it’s delayed marriage to someone you already love).

Now that changes. Your “wedding luck” hits a high not seen since the 2017 (and better even than then). There’s one catch: if you only seek the intense thrill of ecstatic, deep romance, this luck won’t evolve. If you seek friendship, a harmony of interests, and a light, sociable romantic flavor, and if you keep sex on a somewhat casual basis, you’ll hit the jackpot.

If you’re already married, 2020 offers a choice: to burst into great new horizons together, or to divorce — for this influence will bring freedom to those who need it.

On all fronts, you gain this year (especially February to June, and November/December) from merging, partnering, or accenting others’ interests.

Your luck will come through other people. It’s prime time to form business partnerships, friendships of long duration, foreign contacts, etc. Present your projects and ideas to the public, to sales meetings, even to prospects in other nations. Relocating to another country would have bountiful results. World travel, a communications or media project, and educational endeavors open lucky doors to a new life.

However, on the money/net worth side of business (and in the sexually intimate side of love) growth will be slow. It can be strong, too, and deep, especially if you “merge” July to October (or in 2021) but only as the years pass. If you expect swift gratification, you’ll be disappointed.

During January and May/June, you might harbor real anger over a situation of justice, perhaps involving assets, children, or a lawsuit. Your anger might be misplaced — think it through! Your sexual magnetism is also heightened these three months.

February to early May and July/August bring a rare gush of money — you could be earning at a fantastic pace, or spending way beyond your budget. Make sure it’s not the latter!

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)

The past year offered romance to you. Strong, sweet feelings continue through mid-March, but then you face a choice: either let the romance fade (if you chased it in the first place) or quietly turn it toward a true and equal sharing, perhaps marriage.

A similar choice faces Scorpios who have developed a creative (or creative financial) endeavor over the past year. You can either seek a partner to help you carry it further, or let it slide into the “almost did it” bin.

Whichever path you take, you’ll be working tremendously hard for large chunks of 2020 — February through August, and (with special success) in November/December. This isn’t the drudgery of the past two years, but a sharp, fervent effort which can yield a promotion, project approval, or a raise in pay.

Protect your health during these months, particularly in sexual, eliminative, and head areas. Make sure you get a long, deep rest in September/October — you’ll need it, come winter!

VIPs are enthralled by your skills and attitude June through early October. But take care with secrets, secret contacts or agreements in January, and May/June. They can put you in the hot seat later.

Opportunities arrive July to October, to relocate, to form a partnership or love bond, to present your projects to an investor or the public, to sign contracts. These can develop into long-term, solid situations, but if you feel the time is too early, don’t be rushed. These opportunities will reappear in 2021. This is not a bonanza situation, but a sober, quietly-developing circumstance.

Your sexual magnetism simmers powerfully February to early May, and July/August. Be gentle, not cruel. An interplay of romantic attractions shimmers like lights on a swimming pool from January to early June. Social fun arrives July/August and (mildly) October. These few years, your home life is prone to change in small and large ways. Don’t let lustful chicanery be the cause!

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)

At last, a year of adventure, romance, pleasure, thrills, winning streaks, sports and speculative success, joys from children, and creative inspiration!

The long, slow withering of your romantic life since 2019 ends by March, you stop counting pleasure in terms of cost, and you soar toward a new enthusiasm for life! A big love affair isn’t certain, but very, very likely.

Before this happens, though, you still have a bit of healing to do, and you need to complete a shoring up of your security in order to free you to chase 2020’s lucky opportunities. Tackle RSSPs, property deals/arrangements, home alterations, family agreements, business foundations, and all forms of therapy now to mid-February.You have the winning edge in international travel, higher studies, cultural and religious pursuits, and media/publishing endeavors.

Avoid being caught in a morass of details, a paperwork web. Your natural inclination toward the abstract world of ideas and principles will bring many lucky opportunities this year, including romantic ones. For example, many young Sages will discover love at university.

Your love, creative, and gambling hopes soar in January, May and June. February to early May and July/August, a new love could see you as a sexpot rather than as a person. Show him/her your blazing, pondering inner self during those cozy, intimate moments, and you’ll turn this in the right direction.

Refuse a clandestine or extra-marital affair during these same periods. June and September/October raise your romantic assertiveness to new heights. (You glow with animal magnetism those last two months.) You’re most favored for new love from mid-February to June, and late November through December.

This year introduces a new job theme (March onward). For two years you’ll find work more sluggish, but your income will be steady. You can build (or begin to build, for this is very early in the process) a very stable employment platform July to late October.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)

These last two years have laid a heavy burden (or more worries, of a less anxious kind) on you. You’ve had to deal with crises in property, home, family — anything from mortgages to children’s problems.

As befits the last year of our century, these problems will be wrapped up now — as early as March. From this month on, you’ll notice a new lightness and freedom from care in your home, family and property arena. Bright opportunities and a glow of healing enter. From mid-February to June, and November/December, you’ll find some of the best real estate deals of your life. You’ll be able to expand your business or sales territory, heal family problems, and send psychological ghosts packing.

Don’t act too hastily to make your home and property dreams come true, February to May and July/August. Examine, study, then act. A child or parent can fulfill a special wish for you — alienated relatives return to the fold.

This is a blessed year for your investments. Make life-long decisions, invest anew, and enter sexual and lifestyle arrangements with a committed, deep approach. All these will form a path to a smooth, sweet future. You’ll be disappointed if you opt for casual sex, or try to float above commitment.

Earnings might disappoint, but your net worth grows. VIPs and bosses are testy January and May/June. You can solve misunderstandings by holding relaxed, semi-confidential talks in May/June.

A deep, long-lasting romance could begin anytime after March 1st, particularly in May, and July to September. Next year (2021) will continue this trend. The same periods open a door to slow-starting but powerful creative, child-raising or retirement projects which can grow to reward you for decades to come!

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)

This year mixes the light and heavy, Aquarius. Some months (February to June, and November/December) you’ll be gadding about, chatting, visiting, hopping a plane on a moment’s notice. The rest of 2020 (excluding January) you’ll be gearing down into a serious, ponderous attempt to root yourself in a home, in real estate, in family.

Don’t fight the need to establish security, to slow down and take your life more seriously. The urge to escape this “duty” can leave you with regrets in the coming century. Instead, work in an almost embryonic or seed way in 2020, and at a full-bore effort in 2021, to build something which will last and support you for three decades. This summer is a prime time to start RRSPs, to buy a little property, etc. Be realistic, pragmatic.

All year, your famous independence can get you in trouble: to succeed, to ease your way, seek and follow advice, go out to others. This is a good time to marry or to relocate (though both these will bring you to a new karmic awareness, which isn’t always what you want).

A Gemini, Sagittarian, Leo or Libra stand out as romance prospects, a Virgo as a sexual draw. Gemini represents deep romance, Sage a happy relationship. A Libra will deeply understand you in January, May and June. (These are also three months to stay out of lawsuits!)

A Leo could charm you toward bonding June through early October. Your “guardian angel” could enter your life this year: and exit, if you aren’t friendly! Your charisma is pumping on all cylinders these years, which puts you in line this year for media attention. Short trips will bring many pleasures.

A boss or parent might hold a grudge or simmer with temperament late January to early May, and July/August, just as scads of paperwork, details and general “business” shower upon you. Be diplomatic, and fulfill your duties — with effort, you’ll outperform the masses. You might travel on the job during these months. If head office asks you to relocate, say yes, quickly!

PISCES (February 19-March 20)

You’re about to make more money, Pisces! January could bless you with a promotion or new prestige. February through June, and late October into 2021 will bring two lucky opportunities to increase your income. Either of these could place you on a financial plateau destined to last for over a decade.

Expanded earnings might be tied to a legal, educational, cultural, media, international or intellectual source from February to early May, and again July/August. May and June re-introduce a note of secrecy, depth and critical choices in money. You might invest, or tie your financial fortunes to another person’s efforts. Take care with this, for you could get burned if you’re too hasty or impulsive. September onward brings a career/prestige note to earnings efforts. VIPs (or parents) could be testy, critical, yet are inclined to open the gates to swift financial rewards.

Though you’re usually spiritual — or at least contemplative, observant of life’s intangible riches — you would do well to give your inner world a rest now through April 2021. Let this be a practical, worldly time.

Travel, communications and paperwork grow more sluggish and difficult from March onward (into late 2021). There’s not harder work here, just delay and fewer rewards. However, this summer and again in 2021, your career progress might be intimately tied to your performance in these areas. If you need to sharpen your skills in report-writing or similar communications fields, begin to attend courses by July onward.

Romance is neither denied nor especially supported this year. Your main concentration should be on money. But you won’t be lonely, either. February to May, and July/August, could bring a person with a powerful mind and personality. Casual sex with this person is virtually assured, but you’d be wise to think this through carefully. Refuse to be dominated, and don’t marry a person with whom you have an obvious monetary or “lust-without-love” bond. If you live in your “better self” romance can bring months of sweetness!



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