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Happy Valentine’s Day from Furby!!! (review)

Furby wanted to say Happy Valentine’s To You!


Is it a plane, a bird or superman. No it’s Furby!

If you have not had a chance to meet Furby then you are really missing out. This cool new innovative toy is Awesome! This year instead of getting the kids candy visit your nearest retail store and grab a Furby. I remember Furby from back in the 90’s when my oldest was around six , Everyone was fascinated  and intrigued as to how this cool toy worked.


Furby was one of the Hottest toys around in 2012 and still is today! Everyone wants one of course . It’s not just a toy for children…shhh don’t tell but I play with her daily while the kids are gone. LOL!

Furby is what I would classify as the New High Tech Furby. The technology of Furby is beyond  our imagination.When we opened the box she was sitting so quietly. Her fur is so white and very fluffy. Once you pull her out of the box the first thing you will want to do is rub her fur! We placed our batteries in Furby and waited for her to COME ALIVE!

Boy oh boy did she come alive. She woke up talking at lot of Furbish talk and we scrambled around looking through her booklet to try and figure out what she was saying. Now keep in mind there is no on/off switch. Her first words were “Good Morning” we found that out after we begin to translate the words off her booklet and the Furby App.


This is the Furby App!

Furby floppy cute ear’s look like they are made from plastic material and I love how they move around. She reminded me so much of the Gremlins….remember that movie? Especially since she has that cute chubby body and big eyes!

It was amazing to hear her speaking furbish talk and us being able to translate and speak back in her language. With a mind of her own Furby will develop her own personality according to the way you play with him. Just place her in a room with you and your friends and just listen to her interact. It was to funny when my youngest begun to speak to Furby she replied back to her with the words Blah Blah, Blah …if you could have heard the laughter from my daughter it was Priceless! She will interact until she gets tired then she will say “Me Sleepy” and will begin to snore until she falls to sleep.


I turned off the lights to give her a little quality time while she prepared for sleep. It was amazing to see how her eye’s glowed in the dark.With each emotion Furby expresses you can see it displayed in her eyes. You will see heart shapes, music notes, a puking reaction and also an estimation marks when you feed her something hot.

Another great feature I found to be exciting was the how to feed Furby App. Yes, Furby eats too. *smiling* The more you play with your Furby the more English it will speak! Oh and don’t forget to pull Furbys tail.

You can choose whatever you wish to feed Furby, whether it is by hand or by the cool app. Lets say you want to feed Furby a sandwich. You can do this with the App, just compile all the ingredients together and place your iPad close to Furby’s mouth and slide your finger over the sandwich toward her mouth and Voila…..Furby has just eaten a sandwich.


You will know that she has eaten because she will burp.

Oh let’s not forget that Furby will pass gas……yes she farts..LOL!! Oh but wait Furby can boogie down, yes she can boogie down to the ground with her cool dance moves. THIS IS Too CUTE!

Place you music device close to her ear and let her break it on down for you. The kids will love it! Furby comes in a variety of colors also.


Well there you have it. HASBRO has done it again by recreating the Furby. A updated Furby that is sure to keep the kids entertained for hours. Don’t tell anyone but Momma has been playing with Furby everyday and when I know it’s time for the kids to come home from school, I run and put her back in the box. LOL! Sometimes she still be talking when they get home and they would ask “Mom have you been talking with Furby” and I would say “No Way” she’s been talking to me.!*smiling*

Just know that Furby is not only for the young and heart she is also for those of us that still have a little kid in us!


Thanks Hasbro for allowing us to share Furby this Valentines Day. See Valentines Day is not always about candy its also about something that is dear to every child’s heart…..that would be FURBY!




Disclaimer Statement

I was not compensated for this post, however I did receive a product from Hasbro. The opinions expressed in this post are 100% of my own and any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified by the above mentioned store, PR,or product designer.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

26 thoughts on “Happy Valentine’s Day from Furby!!! (review)

  • I would love to have a Furby. I would give it to my niece for her upcoming birthday!

  • I love that you can feed Furby by hand or by a app. They’ve really updated this toy since it first came out. I still think it looks like a Gremlin though. 🙂

    sreis1987 at gmail dot com

  • The Furby is cute but a little Scarey with the glowing eyes…. but still adorable

  • Can’t believe how many things the new Furby’s can do! Thanks for sharing! My kids would love this:)

  • I havent seen a furby in soo long, I forgot about them. They are kind of cute.


  • OMG! I could just see running to put it back into the box–that is funny–but Im sure I would be doing the same thing if I was trying to keep it a surprised—I seen at Christmas that they were back on the market and now they are about twice as much as what they were before—they are fun–thanks for the refresher of these critters

  • I can’t believe these are popular again. I remember when they first come out when I was a kid

  • Very cute. We still have a few from last time around!

  • This toy is pretty cool, my daughter has a few furbys already!

  • I remember when I was a kid and Furby first became popular. Looks like it’s back.

  • That is too cute and COOL!! I didn’t even know they made Furby’s any more!! I want one 🙂

  • brings back memories

  • Furbys still freak me out. haha

  • I remember when these first came out! My boys would love one!

  • seems like a sweet toy

  • To be honest I never owned a furby and neither has my kids but I know my daughter would love to have one. They really ARE cute, especially the blue one.

  • I am still on the fence about Furby. I think that the technology is super smart but the little critters are scary looking….we will see.

  • I may have to get my son that Furby for V-Day! I think he would like that it boogies and might like it in blue. Thanks for the post.

  • Aw so cute!! I never had a furby but wanted one!! Great review!!

  • How cute, I had no idea they could do anything. I’ve never paid much attention to them until now. Now I know what all the fuss is about. 🙂

  • My daughter has been dying to have a Furby, and to be honest, I had no idea what in the world they were. lol Now I think we might have a Furby join the family in the very near future. These are just too cute. =)

  • I haven’t seen the new Furby in person yet, but he’s so cute! I loved the original Furby.

  • I just got my furby last month and I LOVE IT!!! I had a furby baby back in the day.


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