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Beauty & Fashion

Does Your Guy Need A Style Makeover? Read This!

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Let’s face it; every once in a while we all need a style makeover! Sure, some people are content with wearing the same types and colors of clothes, and others don’t really accessorize themselves, especially when they’re trying to “dress to impress.”

You might love the man in your life to the moon and back, but did he leave his sense of style out there? If so, you might be trying to come up with ways to inspire him to improve the way he dresses and looks. The thing is, a lot of men don’t really care about their appearance. But, the sad truth is that people will unfairly judge guys like that.

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As you can appreciate, dressing to impress isn’t about vanity as some folks might tell you. It can help you to boost your confidence, and it increases your chances of getting a dream job. So, if your guy needs some help in the style department to positively impact other areas of his life, you’ve come to the right place.

In today’s blog post, I will share with you some ideas on how he can get a style makeover. He might even surprise himself by making even some subtle changes! Anyway, without further ado, here are some killer strategies he needs to try out:


The first thing your man needs to do is improve his hairstyle. Is he someone that does absolutely nothing with his hair apart from letting it grow? Does he look a bit like a mad scientist? If the answer to both questions is yes, it’s time for him to visit a barber and have a haircut!

As you can appreciate, certain hairstyles suit men with a particular facial shape. The good news is that there’s a ton of websites out there that can give you and him some inspiration on hairstyles that suit each face shape.

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If you’re handy with Photoshop, you might want to try out some styles on a picture of him so that you can both see which hairstyle suits him the most.


While he’s at the barber getting his hairstyle sorted out, he should also ask to have his mustache and beard styled if he’s got one. Of course, if he prefers the clean shaven look and it suits him, you can ignore this section.

But, for those men that like to grow their beards or at the very least have stubble it’s worth asking the barber to create a beard style that complements the hairstyle and facial shape. And if your man is too lazy to style his beard himself, he can always ask the barber to do it for him once or twice a week!


Here’s an idea that is optional but worth considering in any case. On some men, earrings look great and complement their hairstyle and facial shape. The idea of getting some stud earrings might be an alien concept to some guys, but they can be a brilliant way to boost a man’s looks.

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Believe it or not, there are hundreds of different styles on offer. As I say, this is an optional part of the style improvement process for your man, but it’s one to think about in any event!


Perhaps the most challenging thing of improving any guy’s style is to transform their wardrobes! If your man spends his time wearing clothes that aren’t stylistic in any way, it’s time for an upgrade.

The good news is that there’s a world of possibilities out there. It all boils down to personal preference and, of course, how much he’s willing to spend on his clothes. It makes sense for him to spend time with a personal stylist as they can help him determine which styles look the best for his height and body shape. As you can imagine, every man can only pull off certain styles without looking weird, so he probably needs a bit of help from the professionals!

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Once the man in your life has got a wardrobe upgrade, it’s time for him to focus his attention on his footwear! It pays to have the right approach shoes to match each outfit he wears, so he’ll need to invest some time into choosing footwear that fits well and looks amazing!

You might need to give him some style tips on choosing the right shoes, or he could ask a personal stylist. Footwear is very much a personal choice, and so he should be happy to wear particular types of shoes or even sneakers.

Remember that there are shoes that men can wear for various occasions, so your guy should select ones that he is most likely to wear on a regular basis.


We’ve already talked about earrings, but another fashion accessory that could complement his revamped look is a ring. Even if he’s got a wedding ring, it doesn’t hurt to have another one on his other hand!

The thing about rings is that it’s all about choosing ones that match one’s skin tone. Thankfully, we all have plenty of choices when it comes to selecting the right ring! For inspiration, check out websites like https://www.frostnyc.com and see some examples of what’s around these days. It’s also worth looking at some men’s fashion websites for help as well.

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Last, but not least, one fashion accessory to complete your guy’s new look is to invest in a new watch! As with rings, earrings, clothing, and so on, watches are abundant and come in a variety of styles, sizes, and colors.

Some men prefer traditional style watches with analog faces, while others prefer digital ones such as the Apple Watch. Did you know that some watches even allow you to make and receive calls, and get text message notifications? If the man in your life is a technology geek, he will no doubt love to get a smart watch! Take a look at http://www.techradar.com to see some reviews of the latest smart watches.


Now that you’ve got some inspiration, it’s time to go and transform your man’s style!


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

13 thoughts on “Does Your Guy Need A Style Makeover? Read This!

  • I do try to buy him pretty clothing in order to go out to a fancy dinner.

  • You really have great observation skills! I think that a lot depends upon shoes and watch and how they carry themselves.. Wonderful piece! 🙂

  • I think hubby and I both could use a style makeover. I am all for these makeover parts except the earrings. I don’t like earrings on my man. Now, I just need to find a style makeover for myself.

  • I know that when I get a wardrobe refresher that it definitely helps to boost my confidence. This isn’t something that I’ve really thought about in regards to men or my husband, though. Sending this to my husband — lots of great points to consider.

  • My husband took much more care of himself when he was younger, and although he still looks good, and has nice clothes, he usually gets lazy and grabs the same items in his closet to wear!

  • I love the way my husband looks. Even if he has looked the same way since high school. It suits him and he is sexy as heck to me, so I don’t need him to change or update his look.

  • Great tips. I am sending this to my husband. I think he would get some great information on it. I mostly think my husband needs a style make over on his weekend wear. He looks very professional for work every day

  • My guy definitely needs a makeover. Great tips and photos. I love those dress shoes.

  • Haha aw man I can’t imagine asking my husband for a makeover, he already complains about shaving every other day! And that’s for work! If he doesn’t have work he probably will look like a caveman with beard down to his feet. Maybe one day after our kids grow up I will work on making him over 😊

  • I would love to give my husband a makeover, but I know its not anything that would ever stick. I do try to buy him pretty clothing in order to go out to a fancy dinner, and he looks great. I doubt earrings would fly for him!

  • I don’t have someone to help with a makeover on, but these are great tips. I always love big faced watches as an accessory!


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