
Geyser 101: What Every Homeowner Should Know

Hot water is a daily necessity for most homeowners in India, whether it’s for a warm shower or washing dishes. That’s where a geyser comes into play. It’s a household appliance that heats water so you can enjoy that comfort. In this guide, we’ll keep it simple and cover everything you need to know about geysers, including how to choose the best geyser in India for your home.


The Basics

Let’s start with the basics of geysers. There are different types, but you don’t need to be an expert on them. Here’s what you should know:

Storage Geysers

These are the most common types you’ll find in homes. They have a tank that stores and heats water. When you turn on the tap, you get hot water. They come in various sizes to fit your household needs.

Instant Geysers

No tank here! Instant geysers heat water on-the-spot when you need it. They’re energy-efficient and great for smaller spaces.

Gas Geysers

These use natural gas or LPG to heat water. They can save you money, but it’s essential to have them installed by a professional for safety.

Solar Geysers

Environmentally friendly, these geysers use the sun’s power to heat water. They cost more upfront but can save you money in the long run.

Choosing the Right Capacity

Selecting the right geyser capacity is simple. Just think about your family size. For smaller families, a compact geyse(15-25L) will do the job. If you have a larger household, go for a bigger capacity geyser to ensure there’s enough hot water for everyone.

Installation Made Simple

Getting your geyser installed shouldn’t be a headache. Here’s what you need to know:

Location Matters: Pick a spot close to your water supply and electrical or gas connections. If it’s wall-mounted, make sure it’s secure.

Ventilation is Key: Adequate ventilation is essential to prevent gas or moisture buildup, which can be dangerous.

Proper Connections: Electric geysers need the right wiring, while gas geysers need leak-free connections.

Water Supply: Connect the geyser to your water supply correctly, ensuring hot and cold water pipes are connected right.

Testing: After installation, make sure the technician tests your geyser to check for leaks and ensure it’s working correctly.

Maintenance for Longevity

To keep your geyser working well for years, follow these maintenance tips:

Flush the Tank: If you have a storage geyser, flush the tank now and then to remove sediment buildup. It’ll help it work better.

Set the Right Temperature: Adjust the thermostat to a reasonable temperature to save energy and prevent overheating. Around 120°F (49°C) is a good setting.

Check the Pressure Valve: Ensure the pressure relief valve is working correctly. It’s crucial to prevent pressure buildup.

Anode Rod Inspection: If your geyser has an anode rod, check it every couple of years for corrosion. Replacing a corroded rod can extend your geyser’s life.

Think Efficiency: Insulate your geyser and pipes to keep the heat in. This saves energy and money in the long run.

Saving Money and Energy

Who doesn’t love saving money and energy? Here’s how you can do it with your geyser:

Energy Efficiency Matters: Look for a geyser with a high Energy Efficiency Rating (EER) or BEE star rating. It might cost a bit more upfront, but it’ll save you money down the line

making it the best geyser in India for your home.

Off-Peak Usage: If you have an electric geyser, use it during off-peak hours to take advantage of lower electricity rates. Gas geysers should be calibrated for efficiency.

In a nutshell, geysers are essential for daily comfort, providing hot water when you need it. You don’t need to be a tech expert to choose the right one; just keep it simple and prioritize safety and efficiency.

When you’re on the lookout for the best geyser in India, remember to consider energy efficiency. Proper installation and regular maintenance will keep your geyser running smoothly and your energy bills in check.

Choosing the right geyser and taking good care of it will keep your home cozy and your energy usage responsible. So, choose wisely and enjoy the convenience of a reliable hot water supply tailored to your needs.



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