Home & Garden

Get Started: Professional Tips for Room MakeOver

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If you are feeling bored with your current room, now is finally the right time to do your room makeover. Here are some tips and guidelines to keep you started.

How to Keep You Started in Your Room Make-Over?

Ask yourself if your room furniture is appropriately placed in their best advantages. Consider amplifying aesthetics like changing drawers to leather handles. Make painting room walls last in mind as placements are more important.


  • Bedroom Furniture Placements


The first thing you should do is the bed. A general rule of thumb suggests that your bed should be right next to or beside the longest wall in your room. And the remaining space is for furniture such as lamps and drawers in the most complimentary position circling the bed.

After the proper placement of the bed is an excellent time to accessorize. You start by expressing yourself to add personality in the room with accessories. It can mean incorporating some addons like changing regular handles to leather handles. You can also add some photographs; it doesn’t have to be new picture frames; you could give a picture more life with your old frames.

You need to set up a small place for a lamp, enough for lighting your surroundings for reading and other bedtime activities. If you can still freely move, consider making a spot for a comfortable chair. You could always bargain for it in thrift stores to have some good deals.


  • Room Color and Paintings


Room colors and paintings have a lot to do with your personality, so you might as well put some extra efforts to know which color you would settle into. Color has an impact on what you are feeling and does transform your space entirely.

For example, if you are a lover of nature, you can go with different shades of green to recreate the vibes of the outside environment. Moreover, if you want a more vibrant and modern appearance go with the color grey, deep blue, and black works too. Keep in mind that your room’s purpose is to provide the ultimate relaxing sanctuary for sleep.

If you are renting and would still want to improve the ambiance of your room, you could always look for removable wallpaper with your favorite colors. You can remove it without damaging the wall coating when it is time to relocate.


  • Adding More Value in Your Room


One of the nicest and fastest ways to add value in your room is changing your beddings.

Choosing what kind of bedding you would use starts by looking for simplicity. Newly updated beddings with the color white make a room look cleaner and fancier. And to give more sense of coziness, you could add shams and pillows. You could also find for knitted or colorful quilts to extra add a touch of pattern in your white beddings. Remember, these things do not have to be costly, look for home depot or furniture shops offering prices at a bargain.

These tips are the basic things you need to incorporate when planning a makeover. Keep these tips in mind, and you will have a good time and a pleasant room atmosphere without having any remorse in your decisions.



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