Health & Fitness

Get Fit: 9 Sports that Can Help You Drop Weight Fast

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You’ve heard it before. The key to losing weight is diet and exercise. The thing is, some people just aren’t interested in hours pounding it out at the gym. Some people prefer participating in sport.

Here are a number of sports that you might want to look at if you’re interested in getting fit. These sports can help you drop weight fast.

Individual Sports

  1. Swimming 

Swimming has a number of benefits. When swimming you will burn a significant number of calories. Further, swimming is easy on the body. If people have joint-related issues swimming may be the perfect sport for them. It’s a low impact sport and a full-body workout. Swimming will work out your muscles and increase your aerobic fitness. You’ll reduce your fat and decrease your chances of suffering from heart disease. 

  1. Cross Country Skiing 

Cross country skiing is obviously not suitable for everyone, but if you live in the right location it may be a great option to lose weight and get fit. Cross country skiing is relaxing. Cross country skiing is great for mindfulness as your stress melts away and you’ll get to breathe in the fresh air as you’re increasing your cardiovascular fitness and burn calories. 

  1. Kickboxing 

Kickboxing is a full-body workout that gives you the added benefit of learning self defense. You’ll do this at the same time as you increase your fitness and burn fat fast.  Kickboxing works out your arms, legs, and core. Kickboxing workouts increase your stamina and you will drop weight fast. 

  1. Running 

Running is one of the most effective exercises to help you get fit. It doesn’t matter the speed you are running, whether high pace or a jog, you will burn a significant amount of calories.  Running and jogging also burn that harmful belly fat that sits around your waist. Visceral fat wraps around internal organs and is a leading cause of chronic disease. Running is easy to add to your exercise routine. It’s a quick way to get started on your mission to drop weight fast. You can just jog around your own neighborhood or compete in races at a variety of different distances and levels of competition. 

  1. Ice Skating 

Ice skating is a great leg workout. It’s also a great workout for the core as this is needed to ensure your balance. It’s highly demanding on the body and will help you drop weight fast as you are building muscles and toning your body.

  1. Cycling 

Cycling is a great cardiovascular workout that is also a relatively low impact on the body. You can easily measure your improvements by mapping out a chosen route and training to ensure you beat your times each time you ride the circuit. Cycling is also a great clean transport option for some of those smaller trips where you don’t need to get in the car. 

Sports you play with friends

  1. Basketball 

Basketball is a great team sport. You’ll get a cardiovascular workout at the same time that you get to relax and have fun with your friends. In many suburbs, you’ll find a basketball ring on every street corner. It’s easy to get started. Volleyball – Volleyball is a highly physical and exhilarating sport. Playing volleyball is a great way to increase your overall strength and improve your cardiovascular fitness.  Intense bursts during a volleyball game will help you drop weight fast at the same time as toning your muscles 

  1. Tennis 

Tennis is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. It’s also a great cardiovascular workout to drop weight fast. Tennis increases your overall health and fitness. Further, you’ll find that regular tennis playing increases your agility.

  1. Lacrosse 

Lacrosse is one of the fastest-growing sports in the USA with increasing participation across the country. This is in part because of companies like Victorem that are finally offering cost-effective lacrosse equipment. There are a couple of reasons for this. It’s a great workout and it’s a great opportunity to work together with your friends for a common goal. It’s a great workout that will increase your arm and leg strength, toning your body, at the same time boosting your overall cardiovascular fitness. 

Do you need to lose a few pounds? Do you need to drop weight fast? Then you need to combine exercise with nutrition to achieve the best results. In this article we have shared with you 9 different sports, some you do alone and some you can do with family and friends, that will help you drop weight, increase your cardiovascular fitness and improve your health overall. 



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