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Fisher-Price DC Super Friends Batman Lights And Sounds Trike (review) …to the Batcave we must go!


It’s here!!!!  I’m so excited to welcome Fisher Price  into my home. My kids have played with Fisher Prices toys ever since they were born shoot I played with Fisher Price toys. To this day I still have toys made from them in my kids toy boxes and my oldest is in his 30’s with his own children.

What a privilege this is for me doing a review on a Fisher Price Toy! OK let get right to it. Inside that huge box was a DC Super Friends “Batman” Lights & Sounds Trike and it’s AWESOME!

I had my husband take it out of the box and the first thing he said when he saw it was “BAM”, “BOOM”, “BANG”…to the Batcave we must go! If you are a true fan of Batman then you’ll understand what that means. This trike is going to bring a big smile to my grandsons face whenever he comes over. He hasn’t seen it yet because he’s been a little under the weather .

I can just see him smiling and running with excitement toward the trike. The photo’s really doesn’t do justice to this toy. It has so many cool batman logo’s and stickers all around. The front of the handle has a large bat logo.

The features included on the inside facing of the handle will bring joy to any child. On the right hand side is a yellow walkie talkie detachable speaker that has a voice phrases from Batman saying…..”lets get to work‘! The middle section has so many gadgets that not only light up but have some cool sound effects. When you turn the yellow button in the center it makes a sound as though your child is starting up the trike…too cute! The left side buttons has action music and a horn. The seat can go into three positions allowing you to adjust it according to your child’s leg length. I guarantee you no child will ever be bored with riding the “DC Super Friends” trike.

Fisher Prices has made sure this product will last a kid a long time. It’s well constructed with oversized front wheels for faster paddling. Even though he’s a little short I’m sure he will be able to reach the pedals without any problems being the seat is adjustable.

Overall I’m pleased with Fisher Price “Batman Lights & Sound Trike” and I can’t wait til my grandson feels better so he can enjoy riding this wonderful toy!

In the words of all Mom’s my statement to Fisher Price would be “Theres No Toy Like A Fisher Price Toy“……cause a “Fisher Price Toy ROCKS“!!

Thanks so much Fisher Price for allowing me to work with you it has been my pleasure!

Please take note of all the “Warning” listed on the box to avoid serious injury

Disclamier Statement

I was not compensated for this post, however I did receive a product sample from the company(Fisher Price) listed above for the review and the opinions expressed in this post are that of my own and any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified by the above mentioned store, PR,or product designer.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

10 thoughts on “Fisher-Price DC Super Friends Batman Lights And Sounds Trike (review) …to the Batcave we must go!

  • Fantastic Review! We LOVE Fisher Price and everything they make!! Its good to see great bloggers writing fantastic reviews for my favorite companies!!!

  • Love, love, Fisher Price, and I do agree they are built to last. My favorite when I was little was the Fisher Price house. Mine was less plastic and more ‘wood’ or whatever the material was. My brother had the barn and again-always enjoyed playing with that. Batman is very cool also; so the combination is perfect. Nicely done review!

  • Oh my goodness. I’m going to have to get one of these for Niko. He is such a Batman fan! This is an awesome review, and exactly why I come to your blog when I”m looking to buy a new product.

    Thanks a bunch Lisa, you did it again.


  • My son would LOVE this! Thanks for the review, I’m gonna have to check it out. We love Fisher Price.


  • That is absolutely adorable! I know my little one would love that! Thanks for sharing, i will definitely have to check it out soon!

  • Great Review! My son would love this!


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