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Home & Garden

Ensuring You Get The Best AC Repair In Michigan

Humans seem to create certain strange patterns throughout the year. There are a few weeks every year when you cannot find a paddling pool or party ice for love nor money, and strangely enough it seems to be during this period that trying to find someone to fix your AC unit is almost impossible.

The funny thing is that this happens almost like clockwork every single year. You might wonder why, but anyone in the middle of heatwave and fire season is fully aware of the chaos that overheated people can bring to the world. Particularly when their air conditioning unit starts playing up, as they are often wont to do during the peak of summer in Michigan.

Put a note in your calendar to check how well your air-con is working in early spring, that way if you do strike problems you have plenty of time to look for someone who is an expert on AC repair in Allen Park MI and get it sorted before the temperature starts to redline.

Why Isn’t My AC Unit Cooling Now?

It would be convenient if the entire unit just stopped working, at least that way you would know it was well and truly broken. However, what often happens, particularly during a heatwave, is you just don’t get the quality of cold air you’d expected from a properly working AC unit.

Before you call the repair tech, there are a few things you can do. The first being, find the manual. If you haven’t used your air conditioning unit in a while it might simply be a case of having it on the wrong settings.

Once you have ensured that all the settings are correct, make sure both the inside and outside units are clean, dust free, and that there is no debris (or startled birds). This is probably one of the most neglected areas, and a prime reason why your AC unit is blowing nothing but hot air at you.

If you’re not even getting warm air blowing out, check to ensure that your AC unit is actually plugged in. Assuming that it is, you will also want to check that you haven’t tripped any fuses for the unit.

Anything beyond this and you should be calling a licensed repairer. Yes, you will be able to google and find lots of instructions on how to pull apart your unit and ‘repair’ it, but unless your health and house insurance are particularly brilliant this is an area be left to the professionals.

Choosing A Repairer for Your HVAC System

In Michigan the company repairing your air conditioning system must be licensed by LARA – The Department of Licensing And Regulatory Affairs. In order to be licensed a contractor needs to have at least 3 years’ experience and pass an exam. However, unlike other states, in Michigan the exam, and the associated license, is quite specific. So you might have a friend who is licensed to install refrigeration systems, but that doesn’t mean that they are licensed to install or repair HVAC systems.

Most reputable companies and contractors will have their licenses deployed quite prominently. If you are unsure if the license is appropriate you can verify the license type and that it is valid on the LARA website here.

Often you will find that different contractors work primarily with a specific brand of units, and you may also find that the manufacturer of your air conditioner has a list of recommended repairers in your area. You are not obliged to work with someone just because the manufacturer recommends them, but it may be worthwhile talking to any repairer you contact about their expertise and experience with your particular make and model.

Great Customer Service

Once your air is back to being cool, you want to ensure it stays that way. The easiest option is to find a HVAC service technician who will call you each spring to make a time to clean and maintain your system. When you are choosing a repairer, check to see if this is the sort of service that they offer. You will often find that a company which takes pride in ensuring that their customers air conditioning systems are well looked after will let you know in plenty of time when your system is due for replacement, which can save you quite a lot in the long run – and ensure that you stay comfortable all year round.




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