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Health & Fitness

Dental Sealants: 8 Commonly Asked Questions Answered

Tooth decay remains a concern for individuals of all ages. Most people will suffer from a cavity during their lifetime, and many people wait until this happens to ask their dentist how they can prevent future problems. However, it’s best to be proactive and prevent cavities rather than treat them once they occur.

Dental sealants become of great help in protecting the teeth from decay. Nevertheless, many people hesitate to visit a Dental Clinic Near Me to undergo this treatment. They want answers to a range of questions before proceeding. The following are eight frequently asked questions about dental sealants. 

What are Dental Sealants?

A dental sealant functions to cover the depression and grooves in teeth to prevent dental decay. Created using thin plastic, the sealants come in dental-grade materials and are bonded to the surface of a tooth’s enamel to protect that enamel. Many dentists recommend sealants for premolars and molars, as those teeth remain most at risk of cavities. 

When Should Sealants Be Used? 

A dentist might use a sealant to protect a tooth from decay or to treat ongoing decay in one or more teeth. Much like a shield, the sealant protects the enamel. Although sealants are used to protect the teeth before decay forms, they are also of help when tooth decay is already present. The sealant covers any holes in the tooth to halt the decay in its tracks. Furthermore, the sealant works to keep food from becoming trapped between the teeth or on the surfaces. Bacteria cannot remain on the tooth to cause decay. 

When are Sealants Appropriate?

Patients of any age may benefit from sealants. Young children benefit from the sealants, as they stop decay before it starts. Teenagers find sealants help protect their permanent teeth, and adults may choose to undergo this treatment because they often neglect their own oral health and focus on the oral health of their children. 

When Should Sealants Be Applied? 

People frequently delay having sealants applied to their teeth. However, a person should consider this treatment before they have any problems. Preventing problems is always more effective than curing them and costs less as well. 

How Does a Dentist Apply a Sealant?

The dentist cleans and dries the tooth to be treated. They then apply an acidic gel for bonding purposes before rinsing it. The tooth must be dried again before the sealant is applied to the grooves of the tooth. Finally, the dentist uses a blue light to harden the sealant. This entire process is quick and painless

Are There Any Side Effects?

Dental patients want to know if they will experience any side effects from the sealant treatment. The only risk that comes with this dental procedure is a possible allergic reaction. Thankfully, dentists rarely see anyone have a reaction and will take quick steps if the patient experiences one. 

Do Sealants Last Forever? 

With proper oral care, sealants last up to ten years. However, individuals need to see their dentists for regular checkups to ensure the sealants remain intact. If a sealant must be replaced, doing so is easy. The dentist follows the same procedure that was used when the sealants were initially applied to the teeth. 

Does Insurance Cover the Cost of Sealants? 

Certain insurance plans do cover the cost of sealants. It falls on the patient to know what their plan does and does not cover. If help is needed in gathering this information, talk to the dental team. They are helpful in determining how much a patient will pay for this treatment. 

Speak to your dentist to see if you are a good candidate for sealants. Many patients find they benefit from this treatment. A person’s oral health is of great importance to their overall health and well-being. Never overlook options that may be of benefit to you, including dental sealants. 



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