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Health & Fitness

How to cure PCOS permanently? 7 Effective Ways of Treatment

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Today, the ailment called PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome are among the most common ailments among women. Though many claim that there is no treatment, yet it can be controlled and reduced to minimal levels one day by adopting different treatment option. Let’s check something on how to cure PCOS permanently seeking some natural methods:

1). Making change in diet

The best way to treat PCOS is make a couple of changes in your diet. Consuming high carbohydrate diets is a bad idea as these convert into sugar after getting digested in body.  Hence you need to give up all the types of processed foods and refined food with carbs. Rather replace with white bread, pasta, rice and whole grain food keeping carb based food minimal. Avoid consuming grains during your dinner time as it can help in improving your sugar (insulin) level and even allow you keep your body weight in control. Also, add fresh fruits, whole grains, green vegetables, legumes, meat with lean cuts in your regular diet to keep PCOS at bay.

2). Reduce all types of sugar

You can replace the sugar-based food with artificial sweeteners. Also, you can switch over the Acacia Honey whenever you feel the need of adding sweetness to your oatmeal or tea. The fact is you need to retrain your tongue and taste so that you enjoy your oatmeal, smoothies or tea without having sugar or with honey. Well, it may appear to be difficult to give up the sugar completely but as you keep on trying it becomes simple exercise. It is only about developing your taste.

3). Establish a proper workout regime

One of the best ways to keep your body in a right shape is to consider exercise regularly. In this competitive world, finding time is really difficult. The long working hours and close targets keep people on toe. However, if you think it will change automatically, think it again, you have to put your efforts to change it. Take a simple job rather than a tough one, which will give you time to walk in the morning and evening. Having a long walk will help you get fresh air and thus keep you both mentally and physically happy. Make exercise  your integral way of life and start doing things like yoga and other things.

4). Beat the Stress

Stress is the biggest foe, which unfortunately remains neglected in our day to day life. Everyone in this world seems to be stressed these days. A long and hectic day at work brings loads of stress, family commitment and household issues also give stress issues. If you want to get rid of this ailment make sure, you keep a check at the stress level. This will also give you sound sleep and thus add the required peace of mind in your life. Trying meditation and yoga can help in relieving the stress in a big way, which end up reducing the impact of this ailment called PCOS.

5). Adding Probiotics To Your Daily Diet

When it comes to combating chronic inflammation, your gut microbiome has vital role to play. This can keep a check over the causes that lead to weight gain, acne, and insulin resistance. As per several medical reports, making the required changes in your gut microbiome can keep a check over the ailment – PCOS as well. Consuming Probiotics can help in improving upon your gut health that helps in shaping up your mental health. This can be even proved as an alternative to several ointments and creams prescribed for fixing the acne issues. Adding natural Probiotic instead of only relying on probiotic supplements can help you in relieving from this ailment. The natural probiotics include like kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso and organic yogurt.

6). Leverage the Magic Of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is truly a miracle plant, when it comes to treating a wide range of medical ailments, which include PCOS. It offers the best skin care if applied over your face and other body parts, while it also helps in improving upon the insulin sensibility while consuming the same. Instead of using creams or ointments that only add irritation to your body, using it directly can help you a lot in making your skin free from the acne. If you have an aloe vera plant at home, you can very easily leverage the magic of aloe vera. You can make fresh jelly out of it and use it like a moisturizer or make a juice out of its leaves.

7). Drink More Water

Drinking water can help you in flushing out the toxins from your body and thus keep it hydrated. It will help in balancing your pH level of your body and thus keep your body parts like liver and kidney in a right shape. Make sure you drink not less than 4 liters of water to keep your body hydrated.



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