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Home & Garden

Cleaning Your Home: Advice To Make It Easier.

Cleaning the home can be a tough task, especially if you have a lot of rooms to get through. We’re in the midst of the spring season, and that means it’s time to clean the house from top to bottom.

If you’re about to embark on your yearly in-depth clean, then you’re in the right place. Look no further, as we run down some top advice that should give you an easier time once the scrubbing begins.

  1. Give yourself less to clean and tidy


Or, to put it another way, throw out all your useless junk. The more stuff you have, the more stuff you’ll have to organize, tidy, clean and move. More old books on your bookshelf means more items to gather dust. More boxes under your bed means an easy hiding place for creepy crawlies to lurk. Help yourself help you!

Twice a year, go through your belongings and assess the situation. Anything you don’t need, throw it. Old clothes, naff Christmas presents, broken technology, you name it. When you do come to clean your house, you’ll be grateful there’s less junk to deal with.

2.You don’t have to do it yourself!

Let’s be honest; cleaning is a pain. Sometimes, it’s a wonder that we can even get through it ourselves. Of course, like most things in life, we don’t actually have to do it ourselves, which makes the job precisely 100 percent easier. You could enlist a cleaning provider such as Forever Clean, who can offer you house-wide cleaning. There’s a reason it’s called a ‘spring’ clean, and you’ll need to do it at this time of year!

3.Hair dryers and olive oil



Those annoying water rings that you get on wooden surfaces are a nightmare. It can completely ruin the look of your furniture, and even worse, they’re a pain to remove.

While they are indeed a pain to get off, doesn’t mean they’re impossible. In fact, if you blast them with hot air from a hair dryer, then use olive oil to refresh the area, the wood can look brand new again. The hot air will dry up the mark quickly, while the oil will help to brighten the spot up.

4. Open the window!

A stuffy, stale, boiling hot house can seem a lot more dirty than it actually is. It’s astonishing what a blast of fresh air can do for the atmosphere. Before you begin the clean, sit back with a cup of coffee and just let the cool, fresh air circulate. You’ll also feel better too. Cleaning can make you get a sweat on, and making the house cooler will help you feel more comfortable for longer.

With that fresh perspective, make sure you don’t skip on cleaning the window itself. Get yourself some window-cleaning tools, like squeegees and scrapers. With the right equipment and the right attitude, you’ll find window cleaning a satisfying—and even therapeutic—chore.


  1. Vacuum right at the end



This is purely to make the process a lot quicker. Rather than cleaning and vacuuming each room individually, just do one big vacuuming load right at the end of your cleaning session. The whole house will be tidy and settled by then, and no more dust or debris should end up on the floor. Plus, you’ll only have to get the vacuum out first.


Do you have any tips to help our homes this spring? Let us know in the comments below!


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