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NH News

How To Choose the Perfect Apartment Location

The old saying “location, location, location” might be redundant, but when it comes to apartment shopping, it holds true. Whether you want to live in a big city, a bustling little town, one of these rental properties in new york, or maybe somewhere remote, choosing a good spot to live is important.

Before you fall head-over-heels for an apartment, be sure to look past the fancy kitchen or open-concept layout and consider the apartment’s address. Use these tips to determine if a location is right for you.

  1. Shopping Opportunities
    Whether you’re buying furniture, groceries, or clothes, you probably don’t want to be too far away from the things you need. Though online shopping lets you be more flexible, don’t underestimate the convenience of having a few stores nearby. Gas stations, pharmacies, and affordable food options are all important for day-to-day activities, so be sure that retail necessities are within a few minutes’ drive from your new home.
  2. Commute to Work
    Another important thing to consider while selecting an apartment location is where you’ll be working. Even if the location is only five miles from your place of employment, check the transportation networks nearby. You don’t want to live on or near a street notorious for bad traffic and accidents, or by a crowded bus or train stop. Close doesn’t always mean an easy commute, so be mindful.
  3. Noise Level
    Speaking of transportation networks, remember that you don’t want all 12 million trucks, rail cars, locomotives, and vessels in the world rumbling right outside your window. While it is good to be somewhere that has access to public transport and main roads, try to live a street or two away from the hubbub, or otherwise risk months of poor sleep quality. Foot traffic, dogs, and nearby construction can also make a location noisy, so keep your ears open while touring places to find somewhere peaceful.
  4. Crime Rates
    While crime rates aren’t always a good indicator of a location’s safety, be sure to take a peek at local rates before choosing an apartment. Checking crime rates is a good way to assess if you’re paying too much for an apartment in a less desirable neighborhood.
  5. Spare Time Activities
    Finally, don’t settle for an apartment that is just somewhere to sleep between shifts. Choose a location that fits your lifestyle and preferred leisure activities. Do you like to hike? Look for towns near state parks. Are you a lover of fine foods and adult beverages? Look for a place with some nice restaurants in walking or Uber distance.

Don’t rush into a lease without first considering the apartment’s location. By following these tips, you can find a fun, convenient, and peaceful place to live.


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