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Businesses seem to be abandoning marketing partners and CJAM Marketing knows why

Today’s volatile business market can be a daunting place for businesses simply trying to promote their brand, especially with all the many different marketing tools which are sometimes too difficult to navigate. But while businesses understand the value of picking the right marketing partner, anecdotal evidence suggests that only a small minority of marketing companies manage to retain their customers. 

“Having had conversations and keeping my finger on the pulse, I can say that around 80% of marketing businesses are struggling to keep their clients,” Behdad Jamshidi, Founder of marketing broker agency CJAM Marketing Matchmaker, explains. 

But for Jamshidi, the reason behind this astonishing number is simple: “Businesses are tired of marketing partners who are not doing what they are supposed to.”

Finding The Best Match

That’s where marketing brokers enter the conversation. “The problem that I solve is that businesses struggle to understand marketing and on top of that finding partners they can trust,” Jamshidi says. “This causes their businesses to stagnate for years as they struggle to find a solution.” 

Building on the network he expanded over the years; he aims to bridge the gap between the two points in an efficient way. “Having a marketing broker as a resource is one of the most valuable contacts a decision maker can have,” he notes.

“I can recommend things to customers that they actually need, instead of being sold something that won’t help them get there.

An Agile Mind

Jamshidi was not always a marketing broker guru; he started off as an engineer, but his way of thinking is what helped him discover new ways to be efficient, bringing new perspectives into how business should be done.

“I believe I’ve honed a distinctive combination of skills in engineering, marketing, and business consulting that only a few people in the world possess.

“Adding to that a network brought together over 5 years speaking to over 883+ marketing agencies and partners.”

And he is not afraid to take risks; in 2023 he left his high-paying engineering job to throw everything he had into the marketing brokering business and he has never looked back. 

“Five years ago, I worked for a large telecom company in the B2B sector, serving clients with 50 to 1,000 employees. I was making 6-figure sums, constantly getting promotions and I was the youngest senior engineer at the company.”

But one fateful day, a colleague and him had lunch together and Jamshidi had a conversation he would never forget. 

“We were talking and then he mentioned that he was making over $50k a month passively doing SEO for a dentist.”

At that point, Jamshidi did not even know what SEO stood for, but a passive income was what made him pay attention. So, he found an online course, and then another one until he had completed 25 hour google courses, reading SEO textbooks and building his first website.

With his business consulting background and engineering mind, he quickly figured out that something was missing from the equation. 

“Businesses don’t grasp marketing, and marketing agencies don’t understand business,” he observes. And that’s how his marketing brokering business was born. 

5 years later, he’s built a very profitable multi 6 figure business and moved internationally.

The Right Partner

“Marketing works in the long-term,” Jamshidi explains. “The top 1% of marketing companies are thriving because they’re hitting all the right targets.”

“Most businesses take 18-24 months to find a good agency, often going through 3-4 before finding the right fit,” he adds. “We help business owners save time and money by pairing them with the right agency from the start.”

While being efficient is one of the top priorities for CJAM Marketing Matchmaker, Jamshidi also refuses to use AI for match-making, instead preferring a human-to-human approach, as he strives to stay true to his values. 

Today CJAM Marketing helps businesses find partners for most assets, including fractional CMOS, Branding, Websites, Development, Ads, SEO, PR, Copywriting, Funnel Building, Social Media, Content Creation etc. 

“Businesses are trying to do their best to survive and some agencies take full advantage of that,” Jamshidi warns.

“Making them turn and burn agencies.”
* Make sure to follow Behdad Jamshid on LinkedIn for more insights.



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