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Home & Garden

What is the best options for heating your home?

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Effectively heating your home is an issue everyone will experience at some point. It is not always about the warmth, but the cost and the way the heat is distributed around your house. The better you can heat your home, the more efficient it becomes.

Many of heating systems will require you to find a tradesmen to help install the equipment and make sure it is safe to use. They can also provide quotes and offer advice on the most cost and energy efficient way of heating your house and keeping it up to date with maintenance.

Here are some tips on deciding what type of heating you need for your home, depending on where you live.

Gas Central Heating

Central heating from gas has become a very efficient way to heat your home. With the newer energy efficient boilers and adjustable thermostats, it can be a very cheap option. It is ideal if you are connected to a central gas supply although some can run from external gas tanks.

There are now apps you can use from your phone to control your heating even when you are out of the house. They allow you to turn the heat on just before you come home to save energy.

Wood Heating

The popularity of wood burning stoves and heating systems has grown over the past few years. Many people have a wood stove in their living room for extra warmth, but it can also be linked up to provide heat for the rest of the house and to heat your water.

The wood burners are not as cheap to run as gas, and it would mean having somewhere to store the wood until it is needed. It is also important to make sure that the chimney used for the burner is regularly cleaned to prevent smoke from coming back into the room.

Solar Energy Heating

Getting your electricity and heating from solar energy is becoming more common. It can reduce your energy bills and provide a good source of power.

Generating your energy is not a cheap option as the installation of the equipment can be very expensive. However, the long-term energy savings you would enjoy will pay for the system in a few years. There is also the option in some countries to sell your surplus to your local energy company, indirectly helping to lower the carbon footprint as well.

Storage Heaters

The storage heater has been around for some time and can be an effective way to manage your energy if you only have an electricity supply. Storage heaters use coils to heat bricks in the center of the heater. These bricks then radiate heat during the day or night as required.

The only drawback is that they can use much energy to store the heat, and then it will only last a few hours. The heaters themselves can be quite big and hefty, so they have to be placed carefully. You can find online help at thegreenage.co.uk that give you tips on using these heaters.

Other heating options include oil central heating, solar water heating, and biomass boilers. There are issues with all of these options including the cost of installation and the level of efficiency they provide. Ultimately, the cost of heating your home depends on the energy supply you have available where you live.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

5 thoughts on “What is the best options for heating your home?

  • What a great conversation to have, it’s important to figure out the best way to heat your home. Both effectiveness wise and cost wise. Loved reading this, appreciate your tips!

  • Some friends of our are in the beginning process of building a house, I’m going to share this with them so they can make the right decision.

  • We have a gas furnace for our heat, and it works great. Up here in the north where we live, it’s really the only good option.

  • We have forced hot air heating for our house. I hope to someday make our house solar energy heating. It would be so much nicer and help us save money, hopefully.

  • Just moved in to a home that has central heating/cooling, and a wood-burning stove. I love having options.


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