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Benefits of DHL waybill

DHL is a logistics company, providing a total transport solution for the shipment of packages and freight. For the receiver of the shipment, it is sometimes important to know when their package was delivered. DHL waybill can be used to track deliveries in real-time by printing it on a paper and scanning it at delivery location. It also provides precise tracking since showing specific details such as delivery date, pick up date, tracking number and item number etc. its benefits includes;


  1. Provide client with real-time tracking

This is a very important feature of it. Through this waybill, clients will be informed about their package’s status as soon as it comes into the receiving location. In that way, they will know when their package is going to be delivered in real-time.

  1. Provide multiple delivery service

It can also be used to track multiple delivery services all at once. What is more interesting, it can be used with different tracking number for each package which means that the recipient of the shipment will know which tracking number applies to which shipment and thus they will know what they are looking at with the scanned its document.

  1. Track the shipment in foreign language

For the last one, it acts as a translation tool. When you are picking up your package and want to track it on the waybill, it is not always easy to understand which tracking number applies for what shipment. With different languages and code designation, DHL waybill helps you understand what tracking number applies for what package and see where it is at any time.


  1. The intended receivers’ tracking number is compulsory

The receiver needs to know the number in order to know the details of their package. If the receiver will not be able to read or understand what is written on the DHL waybill, it would be difficult for them to track it.

  1. Personalized details for recipients of packages and in what language

It also allows personalization on packages. The shipper can use his/her computer/mobile device and official DHL software and upload a picture, text or anything else as desired. Then the recipient will be able to track their package with that personal customized information mentioned above.

  1. Transport and payment information can be provided to the receiver

It can also have transport and payment information, such as date and time of arrival, payer’s name, payer’s address. This way, the recipient can know what they are being asked to do when they receive their package at the receiver’s place. For example, if you are shipping from China to India; you will want to know for which bank name it has been paid for by.

  1. It does not need a scanner

It is not just for paper and scanning but it can also be printed on electronic media such as printer or other electronic devices that includes a printer. So, there is no need to worry of not having a scanner on the receiver’s location to track your packages.

  1. Acceptance date and time

It can be used for the acceptance of delivery service in different countries. For example, you are picking up your package in China and you want to know when it was delivered to you. You can print out the its document and scan it at the receiver’s location thus confirming that the seller has accepted delivery service.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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