
Ben Stroup and The Velocity Advantage


                                                                               Ben Stroup- No Credit

At Velocity Strategy Solutions, Ben Stroup is a leader in strategic growth, aligning teams, simplifying technology, eliminating complexity, and driving revenue and growth. With over 20 years of experience in change management, digital transformation, and data-driven decision-making, Stroup’s expertise covers technology, financial services, manufacturing, higher education, healthcare, consulting, and nonprofits. “I bring executive-level talent and experience to executive-level problems. I excel at integrating operations with strategy to ensure leaders, teams, and organizations can make and sustain the change in the long term,” Stroup explains.

Strategic Leadership and Expertise

Stroup’s leadership stands out because he deeply understands what clients need most. He builds teams that get outstanding results and turns ideas into action by identifying key priorities. In his role, Stroup makes sure the organization’s strategy aligns with project outcomes, ensuring every initiative supports the main goals. “When you lead change with clarity and alignment, you create a resilient and adaptable organization that maximizes its potential and achieves sustainable growth,” he asserts.

Achieving Breakthrough Results

Velocity Strategy Solutions consistently delivers excellent results for clients. Under Stroup’s guidance, Velocity Strategy Solutions consistently delivers excellent results. He increased department revenue to $28 million, making up about 15% of the total company revenue, by using analytical models to find more effective strategies. He led the field team to achieve 14 million-dollar-plus territories in one fiscal year, setting a company record. Additionally, he created 368 new qualifying accounts for the highest value portfolio segment within 12 months by redirecting unproductive operating expenses to strengthen lead generation. Stroup also led a million-dollar digital prospect campaign that returned a 10x ROI within seven months, ahead of schedule and under budget. These successes highlight Velocity’s skill in driving growth through strategic planning and precise execution.

Market Insights

The global strategy consulting market was valued at $38.4 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $111.4 billion by 2031, growing at a rate of 11.6% per year from 2022 to 2031. Digital transformation consulting is the biggest part of this market, making up more than 34% in 2022. The financial services consulting segment also leads in industry-specific consulting, accounting for more than 30% of total value in 2022. These numbers show the significant growth potential and crucial role of strategy consulting in today’s business world.


Ben Stroup- No Credit

Guiding Principles and Influences

Stroup’s leadership style is influenced by experts like Tom Peters, Clayton Christensen, David Rogers, John Kotter, and Donella Meadows. His approach focuses on systems thinking, organizational development, and continuous improvement. “You need the right people working on the right strategic goals, with systems that promote collaboration and interdependence, supported by technology and data that enable efficiency and effectiveness,” he notes. This method creates a culture of learning, experimentation, and adaptability, essential for lasting success.

Navigating Complex Challenges

Stroup has proven proficient in tackling complex challenges that others avoid. His ability to rally cross-functional teams, assess opportunities, and drive toward outcomes makes him a top problem-solver. A recent survey found that 75% of organizations struggle with integrating cross-functional teams, a challenge Stroup has repeatedly overcome. 

“Velocity brings executive-level talent to executive-level challenges. We consistently get results for our clients because we have the experience to navigate the challenges of change within organizations,” he states. One notable achievement involved integrating diverse teams across multiple sectors to align toward a common goal. Stroup promoted open communication, ensuring each team member understood the overarching strategy and their pivotal role. In another significant moment, Stroup managed the digital transformation of a traditionally change-resistant organization. Using a data-driven approach, he secured stakeholder buy-in through strategic alignment and capacity planning.

CEOs Participation and AI adoption

Stroup envisions working with CEOs seeking increased profitability, optimized teams, accurate reporting, and reduced complexity. He believes CEOs should participate in problem discovery and solution design. “To harness AI’s competitive advantage, CEOs need to transform their organizations’ people, processes, technology, and data. Clarity and alignment are key to successful change,” he explains. Stroup aims to break down silos within organizations. “Solving technology problems requires multiple perspectives. All stakeholders should participate in the change process,” he asserts. By encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration, Stroup believes CEOs can drive innovation and success. “AI is crucial, providing deeper insights, predictive analytics, and process automation to enhance decision-making and operational efficiency,” he adds. He asserts that effectively leveraging AI can position companies at the forefront of their industries, ready to meet future challenges head-on.

Success through Strategic Planning

Velocity Strategy Solutions emphasizes the importance of strategic alignment and innovative thinking. Stroup’s insights offer valuable lessons for leaders at all levels. “Consider carefully, yet execute swiftly,” he advises. “Embrace change, plan effectively, and collaborate across disciplines. These principles will pave the path to success and create a resilient, forward-thinking organization.”

As Stroup continues to guide organizations through complex challenges, his commitment to alignment and clarity inspires CEOs to couple strategy with operations, turning vision into reality in a measurable and methodical way. In a world where the only constant is change, Stroup’s approach provides a roadmap for sustainable growth and enduring success.


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