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Amazing Free Online Math Games For Children From Calculators.org

Over the summer break, I make an effort to give the kids some time to enjoy outdoor play, movies, family trips, parks, and exciting vacations over the summer. However, we still make sure to focus on educational activities also!

We spend a lot of time playing games, whether they are computer games, board games, or games we come up with on our own. I will admit that we have all played more games than usual since COVID hit.

Additionally, it has been too hot to go outside. We do go out in the backyard to swim occasionally, but for the most part, our kids stay inside and engage in indoor activities.

We make an effort to make sure they still have time in the day to complete some schoolwork, such as reading, arithmetic, and art; it’s important to make sure the kids are still learning even when they are on summer vacation. I want them to always be proficient in their academics!

We frequently visit websites to keep the kids’ schoolwork up to date and to play games, but I recently discovered a fantastic website called calculators.org. I’ll just say that my husband and I probably use this site more frequently than the kids do. lol

You see, calculators.org has a wide selection of fun games that all players will like. such as Uno, Connect Four, Checkers, and a ton of more fantastic Math games.


On their website, I came across a lot of classic games that brought back a lot of wonderful memories, particularly the game tic-tac-toe, which my siblings and I used to play all the time with our father. If dad were still alive today, he would play this game with each of us on a sheet of paper, but I know he would appreciate being able to play it on a computer rather than the traditional method on paper! The recollections, WOW!

One thing I observed about the calculators.org website was that there was no requirement for us to “sign up,” and there were no “ads,” making all of the games on this site ad-free, which made it more enjoyable to use!

The young people have unrestricted access to various math games. NO SPAM, just quick, enjoyable, straightforward games that are informative.

Here are a few games we discovered that the kids had fun playing:

Crazy Math Game


Crazy Math Game goal: Choose the best solution out of three possibilities for an equation. The game moves quickly from addition to subtraction, multiplication, and mixing between all three operations. My older son had no trouble playing the Crazy Math Game, which is fast (you have to respond within three seconds), as mentioned on their website. Our youngest son wasn’t as quick as he thought he was, but they both had fun playing it! I think this game is a great way to help enhance your children’s math skills.

Next, my youngest daughter played the Math Pop Game.

MathpopIn this game, you must add as many (or as few) numbers as necessary to a specific number in order to win.

The goal is to add numbers by “popping” the accompanying balloons until you reach the specified number.
You are only given a limited number of “moves” to reach each assigned number, which makes it a little more challenging.

Aria loved playing this game, and it was a lot of fun. The balloons you’re trying to bust fly by your screen so swiftly that if you blink, you might miss the two you were going for. You are indeed being timed while playing. The clock resets with each number you reach, but not your allowed moves.

Grocery Cashier was the last one we attempted.


What a great way to impart practical skills! This game is all about what occurs after you make a purchase at a store, which is fundamental.

You play the cashier in Grocery Cashier, and the timer is running out of time. The counting down of the clock keeps this game interesting but it can also make you nervous. LOL!

The goal: As the cashier, you must guarantee that you have accurately added the items and have the appropriate amount of change on hand (all against the clock).

Grocery Cashier is a difficulty game in my opinion. Only the additional stress of having to calculate how much change is needed and move the mouse to the appropriate amounts while the countdown bar at the bottom of the screen is moving quickly warrants a higher rating for this game.

Our Conclusion about the CALCULATORS.ORG MATH GAMES: The number of free math games is far broader than the above. We wanted to try out a few games of various levels being easy to being difficult just to see how the kids could handle and operate the website and games. and to see whether they were enjoyable. Which by the way they all were!!

Finding websites that offer free resources but also interesting content and educational materials that will help our children maintain their math skills, and more is comforting.
One of those websites is CALCULATORS.ORG, which provides a pleasant and interesting platform with a variety of exercises to aid in keeping your children’s academic skills on par without the worry of “ADVERTISEMENTS” OR “SPAM”!

Check out Calculators.org if you have a child who enjoys math or who could need some assistance. There are over 40+ free math games online, so I’m sure you’ll discover one that’s ideal for them.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

11 thoughts on “Amazing Free Online Math Games For Children From Calculators.org

  • My sons does like school work but when I turn it into a game he LOVES it. He will be excited to play these educational games.

  • My son is a math wizard. He always played this and it was so fun, this is the best app to use.

  • What a great idea for kids to use and play with. Make math fun!!

  • These would be ideal for my son. I need to get him to practise his maths over the summer break.

  • It’s so great to have options like these available, and my DiL has admitted to me that she focuses so hard on the alphabet and reading with her little one that she sometimes forgets to practice with identifying numbers and helping develop simple math skills. I will definitely forward this article to her, I think she’ll find it quite useful!

  • I’ll have to share this site with my son. He loves playing games online. But he could also use the brush up skills before school starts back in a few weeks.

  • Love these! I’ll introduce them to my 4 year old! She loves numbers and is getting really good at math!

  • My kids would love these games. I love that they can learn math at the same time.

  • These look like some awesome learning games for kids! I will check out the site for sure.

  • Wow! My kids would definitely love this for sure! It’s great that kids can enjoy math by playing these online math games!


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