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Advantages of Hiring Divorce Attorney

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The statistics are impartial: 6 out of 10 couples are resolved for divorce and it does not always pass quickly and smoothly. A divorce attorney is a specialist who helps solve the legal problems of people whose family life has not developed. Its task is to minimize moral and property losses, protect you from stress and make sure that the most vulnerable side of family conflicts – children, does not suffer. He has to be not only a lawyer, but also a diplomat, arbitrator and even a psychologist.

When you may need the help of a lawyer in a divorce

A divorce lawyer provides legal support for divorce, both in court and in pre-trial procedure:

  • By contacting the registry office (if the spouses were able to agree and they have nothing to share). Consultations and recommendations of an experienced lawyer will help you to go through a simple but routine procedure quickly and without conflict.
  • Through the court. This is a serious procedure used when there are minor children in the marriage, as well as if the spouses do not want or cannot come to a common decision. In court, a divorce lawyer is simply irreplaceable.
  • On the initiative of one of the parties. Unilaterally, spouses are divorced if one of them is officially declared legally incompetent or missing or is serving a sentence in prison for more than 3 years.

A divorce lawyer will also come in handy when the spouses have drawn up a prenuptial agreement. In your contract it is written that the property acquired in marriage, after a divorce, is considered the sole property of the spouse, and you find yourself in an extremely disadvantaged situation? The lawyer will prove the invalidity of the marriage arrangements and restore justice.

What legal services a lawyer provides for a divorce

The work of a divorce lawyer is a complex of legal procedures, the meaning of which is clear only to a specialist.

In his competence:

  • Settlement of disagreements between the parties for adoption of a “peace” agreement.
  • Support for divorce at all stages.
  • Preparation of documents for divorce proceedings.
  • Development of an action strategy, forecasting and analysis of possible scenarios for completing a dispute.
  • Competent assistance in the division of jointly acquired property.
  • Representation of interests of the client in court and other instances.
  • Providing comprehensive advice on any matter of divorce proceedings.
  • Appeal of court decisions.

However, the thorough assistance of a lawyer in a divorce is not always necessary. It also happens that only one competent consultation is able to unravel the tangle of family problems and lead to the desired result.

At the same time, there are situations when you should not neglect legal aid in a divorce:

  • disagreements of spouses regarding the future fate of children;
  • the inability to agree on the division of property;
  • General loan commitments.

Here, saving on the professional support of a lawyer is not the most sensible decision and ultimately can be very expensive.

How to choose a good lawyer – tips and rules

The successful outcome of the divorce proceedings directly depends on the qualifications, experience, personal qualities of the specialist. How to recognize a good lawyer and not run into amateurs and scammers?

  1. Give preference to highly specialized lawyers. In contrast to general practitioners, they thoroughly understand the intricacies of the divorce procedure and the psychological aspects that accompany it.
  2. Do not bet on cheapness. The services of a good lawyer are not cheap – and this primarily concerns the prices of divorce lawyers in Moscow and other large cities. Think about it – after all, we are talking not only about material well-being, but also the mental state of children, who can be dealt an irreparable blow by amateurish actions of a layman.
  3. Reputation lawyer. Inquire about it (look for customer reviews) before signing the contract. Request and read the materials of the won cases (portfolio) and only then make a decision on cooperation.
  4. Ask the lawyer if he plans to coordinate with you the chosen strategic line or if he prefers to act solely at his discretion. If the second – you can expect big surprises, and this is in such a delicate matter as a divorce, is completely useless.
  5. Beware of those who give warranties. Lawyers are not psychics, and a conscientious specialist will never undertake to guarantee 100% success. But it will indicate the probability of a positive result and will make every effort to defend the interests of the principal.

Do you need the help of a good lawyer? We suggest using a divorce program developed by experienced lawyers. Divorce is a serious test, but we will help you get through it by taking over the collection of documents and representation in court. The cost of a lawyer for a divorce attorney Orlando can be found by calling our consultants.


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