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Home & Garden

AC Troubleshooting Ideas When Your Unit Stops Functioning

What to do when your air conditioner goes out? Do not wait until the summer heat becomes too scorching before checking the condition of your AC. 

When it comes to repairing AC in Miami, ensure that you keep a close eye on the system and check the unit every six months or so. We’ll show you how to troubleshoot your unit if it breaks down, so it’s easier for you to fix and keep it running smoothly.

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AC Troubleshooting Guide

You can perform basic troubleshooting to your AC unit before calling in for help. Here are the most common problems of air conditioning units that cause them to shut off and what you can do if you experience them:

  • Check the circuit breaker

When your AC unit goes out, checking the circuit breaker is the first place to start. If you can’t turn on your air conditioner, there’s a good chance it’s not working because of a bad breaker.

If you have an electrical problem, the first thing to check is the circuit breaker. Check for any fuse that looks blown or a tripped circuit breaker. Once the power is on, and your unit is still not working, the circuit breaker is not causing the problem.

Checking the circuit breaker is simple. Open the cabinet and see if any light bulbs are out or if anything else is damaged. 

If you have a surge protector and it’s not tripped, unplug it and plug in another electrical device such as a lamp to see if it works when plugged in directly.

The next thing to check is if your air conditioner is properly grounded. If you have an older unit that doesn’t have a ground wire attached, you need to purchase one and install it.

  • Check your thermostat

If it’s not the breaker, the problem with your AC may be due to a faulty thermostat, which often happens if you are not using a smart thermostat. If your unit is working but only at a certain temperature, it’s likely that the thermostat is defective.

To check the thermostat, shut off the power to your unit and wait at least five minutes before flipping the breaker back on. Once you see that the breaker has been flipped, start the unit and see if it works properly.

If your unit doesn’t start, turn it off again and wait for five minutes. Then flip the breaker back on and try starting again. Call a professional to inspect your heating system if it still doesn’t work.

If you have an analog or mechanical thermostat, it’s a little more complicated. You’ll need to trace that wire back to where it goes into your furnace system and ensure it’s not broken or frayed at any point along the way.

  • Find out if your filter is dirty

Filters are one of the keys to keeping your air conditioner working. If your unit does not perform as it should, you need to find out if it’s simply dirty or if something more serious is going on.

If your unit is not producing water, your filter may be dirty. Dirt can build up inside your filter over time and reduce its efficiency.

To test whether this is the problem, turn off your unit. Unscrew the cap on one end of the hose that comes out of the faucet to drain any dirty water inside the unit. 

Wait until the dirty water drains out before screwing back on the cap to finish draining it out completely.

If dirty water remains in your unit after draining it, unscrew the cap again. But this time, pour about a cup of distilled white vinegar until it’s filled. Ensure that when you put back the screw, more than half of the liquid the unit contains will drain through that tube or into another container. You can also drain the liquid onto paper towels to not waste more water than necessary.

  • Check the condenser coils

The condenser coils are the coils that sit on top of the air conditioner and are used to cool water down to its condensate state. The condenser coils are located inside the condenser, a metal component that sits on top of the evaporator coil. 

The evaporator coil absorbs heat from moist air entering through your unit’s vents, while the condenser coil absorbs heat from moisture being recirculated through your unit’s refrigerant lines.

So if you notice your unit working less than it should, there’s a good chance it might have gone bad. 

Here’s how you can check this out:

Use a screwdriver and remove the screws holding down one side of the cover plate for each condenser coil; there usually are four. You may need someone else to help with this step if you have difficulty getting the screws out. 

Once removed, check if any water has leaked into your compressor. Check the motor area by looking at where the lines run. If there is water, one or both of these components may have gone bad and need replacement.

  • Call a service technician

If you have an AC unit that goes out, it’s important to call a service technician as soon as possible. You can also contact the manufacturer of your unit for assistance if you’re having trouble with it.

If you’re not sure what kind of problem you’re having, use our troubleshooting guide for AC units and appliances to find out.

The Bottom Line

Those mentioned above are only the basic troubleshooting techniques you can use if your AC suddenly stops functioning when you need it. However, if you are unfamiliar with electrical and wiring components, it is best to leave the job to a pro.

With a company that has an A+ rating on BBB, you are assured of nothing but high-quality service. If you live in Miami or anywhere near, you can contact their hotlines or get in touch through their website to resolve your AC problem fast. 

The company deals with both residential and commercial needs. The company name speaks for its brand, which has several years of experience and thousands of positive reviews from past clients to prove their claims.


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