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A Quality Mattress Really Does Lead to Quality Sleep.

A mattress is a mattress, right? Not exactly. While there may seem to be very little difference visually between a high-end mattress and a low-end mattress, don’t let their outward similarities fool you. Not to sound cliché or trite, but when it comes to mattresses, it really is what’s inside that counts. According to recent studies, a quality mattress may be exactly what you need to get quality sleep night after night.

Mattress Support and Daytime Function

Research Triangle International recently conducted a study with the help of Drs. Jack Edinger and Andy Krystal from Duke University. The aim of the study was to find out how various levels of mattress support impacted daytime functioning, sleep, and pain. The study evaluated 128 different subjects over 16,000 nights of sleep and revealed some very important information. According to study results, even very small changes in mattress support had notable impacts on sleep and pain. Even more surprising is that some subjects were unable to decide which mattress was the best choice for their needs while they were awake.


The reason that individuals might make poor decisions when shopping for a mattress may be because of the way the body reacts when undergoing “rapid eye movement” (REM) sleep. During this stage of sleep, the body loses skeletal muscle tone in order to prevent itself from acting out dreams. During this state of complete muscle relaxation, the spine is no longer supported and the wrong mattress could lack sufficient support for the spine. Since the muscles that support the spine are not completely relaxed while the body is awake, a mattress may feel firm and supportive to a person who is mattress shopping but may not feel as firm and supportive when that same person is sleeping.

Why Is Sleep Quality So Important?

 Why is it so important to experience high-quality sleep, anyway? There are countless studies that illustrate the importance of quality sleep on practically every aspect of physical, mental, and emotional health. In fact, a 2009 study revealed that women and men who slept on new, medium-firm mattresses reported significantly lower stress levels than they did when they slept on their regular mattresses. This improvement in mood was attributed to the decreased discomfort and increased sleep quality the study participants experienced after getting better sleep in the new beds.

Is It Time for an Upgrade?

 It can be difficult to tell whether your bed is providing you with the level of support you need for optimum sleep, but if you frequently feel tired in the morning or if you find that you toss and turn all night, it may be time to shop for quality mattresses online. After all, your long-term health and comfort are well worth the small investment.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

33 thoughts on “A Quality Mattress Really Does Lead to Quality Sleep.

  • This mattress information is very useful. Thanks for sharing!

  • Love the mattress. Looks super comfy too

  • This mattress looks really great. I bet that you get a nice night’s sleep on this.

  • This is an incredibly important item to purchase the right one of…love it!

  • Im looking for some comfort in my life.

  • A new mattress would really help with my back pains

  • Sleep is so important. Your body needs it and depends in it.

  • I have too say a good mattress is so important . You have too have one that is comfortable too sleep on get a good night sleep in.

  • I agree, a good mattress is really important. We spend so much time in bed, we should be able to invest in a good mattress!

  • Looks like a good mattress, we are looking for a new one.

  • A mattress and a pillow are equally important.

  • A good night’s sleep is very important, as it sets the whole day for us. A mattress that fits your needs will absolutely help achieve this. 🙂

  • Fantastic mattress.

  • Looks like a great mattress

  • I never bought a mattress

  • The mattress does make a difference. We got a new one a little while back and sleep a lot better

  • It’s important to have a good mattress and to try it out before you buy it.

  • No truer words were spoken. Your mattress makes all the difference, you just have to know what your type is.

  • How true is this! In order to have a good night rest you need a great mattress!

  • A good mattress can make all the difference in how you sleep. I just purchased anew mattress and it is amazing how much better I feel when I get up.

  • a good solid mattress is important to a good nights rest.

  • I couldn’t agree more. I definitely sleep so much better now that we got a new mattress.

  • A good mattress is essential to rest especially for those of us who battle the aches and pains of old age.

  • I would love to have an upgrade. I don’t sleep well on my bed anymore.

  • I know it is time for me to get a new set of mattresses. It’s an expensive investment but neccessary to get a good night’s sleep.

  • I want to know why it’s nearly impossible to find quality mattress that need to be flipped on occasion.

  • I need a new mattress so bad. Hoping to win one in contest I just entered.

  • This is true! A better mattress makes for a restful night and refreshing sleep.

  • I invested in a new mattress recently and it made such a big difference. I felt so much better waking up. If you are considering doing it, it is so worth it!

  • Sleep is very important and investing in a good mattress is worth it!

  • I think it’s time for a mattress upgrade for me since I always have a sore back and neck in the morning and it wakes me up at night,I just know I like a soft mattress.


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