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8 Costs to Consider for Exterior Home Remodel

Image Pixabay

Remodeling your home, no matter what part, always requires a plan. After all, if you just start knocking down walls without a game plan, you’ll find yourself in a serious situation before you know it, whether due to mistakes your make or finances you don’t have. The same goes for remodeling the exterior of your home. Whether you’re just replacing old siding with something new or you’re adding on another area of the house to create more square footage, you must create a budget. However, an exterior home remodel is not just about the actual siding—there are more costs than that, and you need to be prepared.

  1. Framing

If you are adding onto the home, then you’ll want to be sure to count on the cost of framing. This means studs, screws, and anything else that will be necessary to tie this new addition into the existing structure of your home. Obviously, the cost of this will depend on just how big that part of your home will be.

  1. Electrical/Gas/Plumbing

Again, if you’re adding onto the exterior of your home, you’ll have to factor in the cost of electrical, gas, and/or plumbing needs. The cost of this will vary based on exactly what you’re looking for or needing to do. It’s also best to have a licensed professional do this part of the work, as they will be able to handle these needs better than you would on your own. However, if you’re not adding onto your home, then you may not need to include the cost of this in your home remodel planning.

  1. Underlayment

Whether you’re adding onto your home or you’re just replacing the current exterior on the home, you may need to factor in the cost of your underlayment. This could be anything from just the insulation board that may need to be replaced, to including the plywood sheet that sits under the insulation board. All of this is underlayment and is required for your home’s exterior to be added or replaced.

  1. Siding

In addition to all the extra features that must happen before the siding goes on, you also need to factor in the cost of siding itself. This also means including the cost of screws or other pieces and parts needed for it to be attached to the home’s exterior. Again, the cost of this will vary based on what you want, whether it’s aluminum siding to stucco to brick. Be sure to price out the different options you have available and then use these quotes to make the decision on what you want to do.

  1. Gutters

During the remodel construction, you not only need to factor in the materials needed for the actual siding, but also for the gutters. Most homeowners will use this exterior remodel to replace gutters. According to Summit Gutters, a professional company providing gutters in Denver, “Whether you are looking for seamless copper gutters, seamless galvanized gutters, or a seamless rain gutter with factory enamel, fully functioning gutters are one of the wisest home improvement investments you can make.” Be sure to factor in this cost when planning your budget.

  1. Roof

During a home exterior remodel, you should also consider the cost of a roof replacement. This would be the best time to just knock it all out. Price out the different options available to you, and then factor in the cost of plywood for underneath too in case there are areas where this needs to be replaced.

  1. Shutters/Windows

In addition to roofs, shutters and windows can also be replaced during an exterior home remodel. Keep in mind this will add to the cost, so you may want to do it later or just roll it into one. Window replacement can be priced out by a variety of vendors to find the options that provide the look and benefits you want. In addition, you can do the same with your shutters too. Sometimes you can just repaint the shutters you currently use for a new look, or sometimes you may want to get a brand new style. The choice is yours, but just be sure you price out what it is that interests you.

  1. Labor

On top of all the cost of materials, you should also factor in the cost of labor. This is usually more expensive than all the material, so be sure to have more than one professional price it all out for you to get the best value.


Exterior home remodels can be expensive, but they can pay off. When you’re considering this, be sure to factor in all the costs on this list.


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