Technician checking for power on a rooftop condensing unit.
Home & Garden

7 Warning Signs To Alert You To Repair Your HVAC System Before This Summer

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As the sun rises again and temperatures start to warm up, it is clear that summer is almost here. You will want to make sure your air conditioning or HVAC system is all set up to keep you cool and relax during the hot summer. You should therefore anticipate the weather conditions by making sure that your HVAC system is in top condition and if there is a problem, call your HVAC repair service right away to solve the issue. Look out for the following signs that will alert you before the temperature hits its peak.


Strange Smells

Unusual smells should not be ignored either. Even if you only smell mildew or mildew, the unit or ducts will likely need to be cleaned for the health of the HVAC system and the health of the occupants of the home. More severe odors, such as the smell of burning, should be addressed immediately, as this could indicate a problem with the electrical wiring or overheating, all of which could cause an electric shock or fire. Odors can be indicators of multiple problems, but two of those problems are electrical problems and mold contamination. If you smell musty in your air conditioner, there is probably mold in your system somewhere, and blowing the spores into your home will cause it to spread and also make your family seriously ill.

Low Airflow

Your fan, which is responsible for pushing all that cool air through your ducts, can succumb to several issues that can drastically reduce airflow, ranging from a dirty air filter to a faulty fan motor or switchboard. fan control defective. If you raise your hand towards the vents and notice cool air coming out, but not without enough force to circulate the room, you may need to repair the air conditioner. Most of the time, the problem lies with the compressor in the air conditioning unit, but your ducts can be to blame. Sometimes low-pressure airflow is due to duct blockage and all you need is air duct cleaning.

Disrupted Cooling Cycles

If you walk around your house, do you find places that seem hot and others that feel extremely cold? The uneven temperature could be a problem with the insulation or it could mean that there is a problem that requires air conditioning repair. Your air conditioner or HVAC system must undergo relatively common cooling cycles, regardless of the weather. Though you can assume your cooling system to turn on more often on very hot days of summer, it should not turn on and off repetitively. If you notice frequent cycling, contact HVAC repair experts.

Make An Unusual Sound

All systems are designed to operate silently. The loud-than-normal operation, especially squeaking, or banging metal indicates something is wrong inside the device, broken components, loose belts, debris. Listen for any changes when the device is on, such as banging, hissing, or moaning. All of these sounds indicate that something is wrong with at least one of the components and that the unit requires immediate attention.

Billing Too Much

If you received this month’s electric bill and are surprised that the increase is sometimes double or three times the average amount, your air conditioner may be the culprit if your energy bill is skyrocketing and that you are not sure. Your air conditioner is the biggest consumer of energy in the house. If it worked well last season, but this year’s energy bills have skyrocketed, that’s a good indication that you need to get your system fixed.

Blowing Warmer Air 

If the air flowing through the vents isn’t as cold as it used to be, your system is working overtime to maintain comfortable temperatures. This can be due to many possible causes, including low refrigerant level/leaks, condenser issues, and leaking ducts. Hot air coming from the vents is one of the signs that your air conditioner needs repair. This could indicate a problem with the compressor, which means the compressor is not cooling the air properly or your system is running low on refrigerant. It could even mean that you have a problem with a duct somewhere that is drawing air from the outside of the attic rather than the compressor. This is another problem that your trusted HVAC technician should be able to identify and fix for you accordingly.

Problematic Thermostat

The thermostat is the main control of the HVAC system, indicating which components should operate and for how long. Constantly measure and reevaluate these instructions. If your air conditioning system won’t turn on or only run for short periods before turning off, your thermostat may be the culprit. Problems with your thermostat are one of the signs that your air conditioner needs fixing. The difference between the indoor air setting and the actual outdoor temperature should never differ by more than twenty or twenty-two degrees. Otherwise, there is an issue and you should call a professional HVAC repair service.


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