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6 Things a Motorcyclist Should Do to Protect Themselves When Driving at Night

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Due to the low visibility, riding a motorbike at night can be dangerous, but if you take all essential precautions, you can safely ride without endangering yourself or anybody else on the road. In case you are involved in a motorcycle accident caused by someone else, file a motorcycle accident claim immediately because the negligent party is legally bound to pay for your injuries and losses. Here are some safety recommendations for nighttime motorcycle riding. 

Use a helmet in a striking color

The helmet is typically the simplest thing to see from a distance because it is mounted in the tallest position on the motorcycle (with you inside). Take advantage of this fact when it’s dark outside by wearing a brightly colored helmet with reflective tape so that motorists can see you from a distance. Neon, brilliant blue, and yellow are among colors that are simpler to notice in low light, so if you frequently ride after dark through an area with poor road lighting, pick a motorbike helmet with one of these eye-catching hues. Just make sure you can still use your motorcycle bluetooth headset with it on! 

Put on reflective safety gears

Adding reflective tapes to your helmet and riding jacket is the best way to use your current riding gear without spending money on new ones while still making yourself readily visible to others. Reflective tapes are inexpensive and can be applied to a variety of exposed bike and gear surfaces. It is preferable to be safe than sorry when biking at night.

Avert the brightness of approaching traffic

Ride in the lane that is farthest from the opposing direction of traffic. Generally speaking, the left-most lane is preferable to the right-most lane for minimizing glare from approaching cars and trucks. While doing so, keep in mind that traffic leaves motorways and busy routes from the left-most lane. Keep an eye out for vehicles trying to leave the lanes before or behind you. An instructor from https://www.motoelitenb.ca/ will always stress to be very careful when switching lanes on a motorcycle.

Flash headlights before passing

Always flash your lights when approaching a car to overtake it so the driver can know what you’re planning to do before you actually make a move. In order to avoid the chilly air while riding during the winter, most cars keep their windows up, making it difficult for them to hear your horn. Therefore, in addition to blowing your horn, you should flash your lights to alert the rider in front that you are about to attempt an overtaking action.

Ride within the light beam’s range.

Don’t make the error of cycling beyond the range of your headlights. Instead, keep the speed under control at all times so that, even in an emergency, you have enough time to apply the brakes and bring the motorcycle to a stop without colliding with anything in front of you. Installing aftermarket flood lights on your motorcycle is one way to get over this restriction because they’ll increase your visibility, especially if you’re going on a road lacking streetlights.

Clean the visor before nighttime driving

Having dirt and grime on your motorcycle helmet’s windshield or visor can scatter light from approaching vehicles, resulting in a hazy situation that makes it exceedingly challenging for you to see objects in front of you. Wipe the visor/windshield clean with an old newspaper or a soft cotton cloth before you start the ride. You can also clean the visor with your handkerchief if none is available to you before the trip.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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