Beauty & Fashion

6 Family Beauty Tips That Will Not Cost the Earth

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The world is currently going through a pandemic and it has helped put many things into perspective such as the importance of our health, family and wellbeing. Recent studies have shown that one of the positive benefits of this difficult time is a renewed focus on our finances and how we spend our money. People never hesitate to invest on their beauty treatment. Therefore, getting beauty treatment or cosmetic tattoos from renowned places like Unique Blendz was so common. But in this pandemic families are saving more of their money and they are now more aware of the importance of nest eggs.

In the same vein as we emerge out of lockdown and the world around us starts to open up again it may be time for a little makeover! But if you’re looking to reinvigorate yourself or refresh your look how much will it all cost? The good news is that there are many inexpensive ways to achieve an A list makeover at the fraction of the cost.

With that in mind, check out or list of six beauty tips that will not cost the earth below:

  1. Revive Your Skin With A Coffee/ Baking Soda Scrub

When it comes to skincare, most times the best solutions are natural methods. If you’ve spent too much time indoors and feel like your family’s skin could do with some revitalizing then why not try this coffee scrub. Despite any reservations you might have this is quite an effective skincare solution. All you’ll need is some ground coffee and some coconut or olive oil.

Mix the ingredients in a jar and you have your very own reinvigorating and refreshing homemade skin scrub. You can also alter the texture of your mixture by adding coarse ground salt or swapping coffee grounds for baking soda.

2. Unwind With this Simple Foil Face Mask

For a bit of inexpensive me-time or pampering look no further than this simple aluminum foil face mask. Sometimes your skin just needs a refreshing face mask and the procedure can double as some valuable chilling’ time too. 

Face masks help to alleviate puffiness, tighten pores and can help to sooth hangovers too! Simply cut out some holes for your eyes and nose and place the foil in the freezer. Once your home-made face mask is frozen press it to your face for around ten minutes for some soothing relief.

3. Whiten Your Teeth at Home

As more and more household’s reconsider their finances there are many things that suddenly seem too costly. But as we have already seen above, there are ways around this for families and the same applies for teeth whitening. You can achieve near enough professional looking results with the right home- based, and cheaper solutions. Home teeth whitening products such as crest teeth whitening strips use the same ingredients that dentists use. The result is a noticeable change in your teeth’s brightness within a matter of days.

4. Vaseline: Make-Up Remover and Face Cleanser

The simple things sometimes really are the best. One way to save money on beauty products is stop buying makeup removers and face cleansers. Instead many professional stylists recommend using Vaseline instead. Simply dip some tissue in a jar of Vaseline and use downward strokes to wipe your face. The make-up should come off easily and what’s more, you’ll be moisturizing your face at the same time!

If you’re one of the growing number of people that are looking to cut down costs while still looking and feeling good the tips above could be a great starting point. Many of the items mentioned above can be found online so you don’t have to go out to buy them if you do not want to. Simply navigate to their homepage and start browsing for your required beauty solutions. Thankfully, when it comes to health and beauty, cutting costs, doesn’t have to mean compromising on the quality of the results.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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