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6 Career Paths for Working With Children

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Working with children is one of the most fulfilling career choices a person can make. It involves helping the younger generation grow into adulthood, shaping the lives of kids at a time when their development is most crucial. Doing this requires a lot of responsibility, but it can be the most rewarding choice you ever make. Here are six career paths that involve working with children.

1: Youth worker

Have you ever thought about how to become a youth worker? It is one of the most rewarding careers working with children, and you would be providing kids the chance to grow into their own. Youth workers provide children with a role model, forming relationships with them and helping them through sticky situations. You would work with kids individually, give them advice, and help them blossom into the best person they can be.

2: Teacher

Whether working with kindergarten or high-school ages, teaching is about giving children the knowledge they need to thrive in the world. While you would be following academia and helping them pass their exams, you would also be teaching them the ways of the world and what it means to be a good, all-around person. Teaching isn’t an easy job, there are days when the work is a mountain and the kids play up, but it is one that contributes to society in one of the most important ways.

3: Pre-school teacher

Much like a teacher, a pre-school teacher educates students, only the kids are much younger. This would be better for those who don’t want to teach older children but are excellent with very young kids. Day-to-day would look a lot different as a pre-school teacher than a high-school teacher, as the children will be in their earliest development stages. That means much more babble, snot, and dirty diapers!

4: Pediatric nurse

Pediatric nurses work predominantly with children, providing them with the medical attention they need. This career would be perfect for a person who is already interested or qualified in nursing but wants to work mainly with children. The combination of helping the young and providing medical care makes being a pediatric nurse a job full of responsibility. If you ask a pediatric nurse if it is worth it, however, they will tell you it absolutely is!

5: Nanny

Nannies are hired by families to help them with the raising of their children. As a nanny, you would be working in a wide range of environments, moving from house to house to give care to a range of kids. You would find yourself becoming attached to the children and they would see you as a role model. After all, the job is essentially being a second parent!

6: School coach

Much like a teacher, a school coach works in a school, only they manage the kids’ sports teams. This is an ideal job for someone who loves working outside, exercise, and has brilliant leadership skills. As a coach, you will find yourself shouting confirmations and instructions across sports fields, helping the kids with their physical fitness and their sporting abilities.




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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