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Home & Garden

5 Ways to Child Proof Your Toddler’s Bedroom

As your baby passes the one-year mark, you may be looking to upgrade his or her bedroom. Your child’s nursery, once their safe haven, may no longer meet their needs.

As you transition your child’s nursery into a big-kid room, here are 5 ways to make it a safe place for them to grow up in.

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1)    Keep an Eye on Structural Damage

This step is especially important if you have an older home. Even if you live in a newer home or apartment, you shouldn’t completely relax when it comes to structural damage. Always keep an eye out for it.

Water damage can be especially dangerous to your child. It’s caused by factors like severe weather, roof leaks, broken pipes, and sewer backups. According to IDC Water Repair Service, untreated water damage can result in issues like structural degradation and mold growth.

Even healthy children can have adverse reactions to mold. They can experience respiratory problems like sneezing, wheezing, nasal congestion, and shortness of breath. Prolonged exposure to certain molds can lead to neurological symptoms like memory problems, headaches, and slowed reflexes.

Treatments like dehumidification, carpet cleaning, and water extraction can remove mold effectively. It’s best to leave these services to the professionals, as they will complete a more thorough job. At the first sign of water damage or other structural damage in your child’s bedroom, be sure to get it taken care of.

2)    Keep Cabinets Locked

Even though your child is no longer a baby, he or she is still in the diaper-wearing phase. For your convenience, a changing table is likely a major focus of your child’s big-kid room.

As your child becomes more free-spirited, they will start to wander around and get their hands on anything they can. If you keep cleaning supplies, ointments, or other changing table items in your child’s room, keep them locked away in a cabinet. This way, your curious child won’t get their hands on these items when they’re unsupervised at nighttime.

3)    Arrange Furniture Wisely

Your child’s new room should be a place for them to sleep, relax, and play. With this in mind, arrange their furniture appropriately.

Keep it simple by removing unnecessary furniture items. The rocking chair that you used to nurse your child may have once been useful. Now, it sits in the corner unused and poses a tripping hazard.

Here are some other furniture-related tips you can implement:

  • Secure loose rugs
  • Don’t run electrical cords under rugs
  • Keep cords for blinds and drapery out of reach
  • Keep the bed away from windows

4)    Install Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors

If you don’t already have them, install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your toddler’s room. For convenience and cost-efficiency, consider buying a combination detector.

Test any detectors you have monthly. Change the batteries at least once a year and whenever the alarm alerts you of a low battery. Don’t ever disable alarms, even if you only mean it to be temporary.

5)    Invest in the Proper Toy Box

Their bedroom will be one of your child’s favorite spots to play. Invest in a toy box to ensure they have a designated spot to keep all of their toys. This will keep tripping hazards off the floor and encourage them to develop organizational skills.

Do not buy a toy box that has a heavy lid. This cover could fall and trap your child inside. Instead, buy a tox boy that comes with a safety hinge to hold the lid open. Or, you could remove the lid altogether.

Make Your Child’s Room a Safe Haven!

As you upgrade your child’s room, implement these steps to make it their new safe haven.

These tips don’t take much effort, but they will make your toddler’s room a safer and more enjoyable place to sleep and play.

Do what makes sense for the space you have available, and you will create a safe environment that you won’t have to rearrange for years to come!


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

One thought on “5 Ways to Child Proof Your Toddler’s Bedroom

  • These are some great tips to think about and implement to ensure the health and safety of our children. Great post!


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