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Home & Garden

5 Tips for Customizing Your Child’s Room

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One of the best things you can do as a parent is give your kids their own personalized space. You want them to feel at home in your house and having a space that they can call their own will go a long way towards establishing that. For most parents, the space they choose is their child’s bedroom. If you’ve recently looked around your kid’s bedroom and thought it looked a little bland, or it didn’t have anything more than the essentials, here are some ways you can customize it and make it their own.

Use a Unique Paint Color

For starters, consider giving the room as fresh coat of paint. If the walls inside the room are the same as some of the other rooms in your home, this doesn’t help to differentiate it. Choose a color that your child likes (or one you think they’ll like when then get older). Then either hire some house painters like https://teaberry.net/ or do the job yourself. It’ll only take a weekend, but it will go a long way towards improving the room.

If you want to take it a step further, consider painting a mural of some sort on the wall. Rather than just one color, use multiple colors and paint a picture that your kids will love. Does your child love space? Paint some stars and a rocket ship. Do they love nature? Paint some trees and a rainbow. The possibilities are limited only by your painting ability, but you can use this guide for some tips.

Add Their Name

A great way to customize this room to fit your child is by adding their name to it. How can you do this? There are many options. You could add a sign to the door that says something like “Emily’s Room”. Or you could paint it onto the wall over their bed. There are plenty of things you can customize within the room as well to have their name, such as a toy chest, a blanket, or even some of the furniture. Choose something so that as soon as your child sees it, they will remember exactly whose room it is.

Put in Some Family Mementos

Other kids may have the same name as your child, but no other kid has the same family. Another way you can customize the room is by putting in family mementos. For example, maybe you have a quilt that their grandmother made. Or perhaps there are some pictures of when they were a baby with different family members that you could put into frames. Have some things leftover from their baby shower or their first days of school? Add those in as well. Anything that reminds them of their history will go a long way towards making this a unique room that is specific to your child.

Organize the Room

If you’re going to spend all this time fixing up the room, you’ll want it to stay nice. We all know that kids have a way of tearing rooms apart, and it won’t be long before all their stuff is everywhere. By providing them with an organizational system, you can help to keep the room nice. Add in some shelving, a toy chest, some other storage tubs, or and get them some hangers for their clothing. Teach them responsibility by showing them where everything goes and reward them when they stick to it.

Of course, if your kid does mess up the room, don’t stress about it. That mess will be their own and will only help them to feel more comfortable within their room.

Get Their Input

Finally, if your kids are old enough, make sure they help you with the setup of this room. You don’t want them to come home from school one day to find you’ve completely changed around their room without their permission or input. Ask them what kinds of things they’d like to have in the room or how they would like it set up. You might be surprised at some of the suggestions they have and how great they are. Even if some of the suggestions are a little bizarre, try to incorporate them – this will make it feel even more like their own room if their crazy ideas come to life.

And there you have it – 5 simple ways you can make your child’s room a little more personal. It doesn’t take much, but your kids will certainly appreciate the effort (even if they don’t realize it). So, take some time to brainstorm some ideas, talk about it with your kids if you can, and then get to work.



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