Home & Garden

5 Reasons Why You Need a Handheld Vacuum at Home.

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The main helper of any housewife is a vacuum cleaner. A powerful fully functional device will perfectly cope with the most complicated thorough cleaning, remove dust, dirt and even wash windows. A sworn life-saver that has made life’s easier all around. A vacuum that is handheld can provide a lot of immediate comfort when trying to get to the tough places. You will be able to get the job done in half the time

But what if you need to clean a small portion of the room? Do you have to assemble and disassemble this cumbersome device because of every handful of spilled cereal or a flock of pet hair on a carpet or sofa? And what if there are small children in the house? A children’s room must be cleaned from crumbs or feathers after a battle with pillows several times a day.

In such cases, a handheld version of the device will come to the rescue. This vacuum cleaner is designed for cleaning dirt, dust, small rubbish. Some models remove the spilled liquid. The device will refresh the furniture, remove dust from soft surfaces. It can help to clean woolen fabrics, blankets, mattresses, clothes and carpets.

Handheld vacuum cleaners are simply essential at the kitchen. They can quickly remove all kinds of crumbs and other rubbish that occur while cooking, keeping perfect purity and order.

To make it easy for you, you may find out the best vacuum for pet hair and choose the right one for you.


5 Reasons to Buy a Handheld Vacuum Cleaner

1. Ready for action.

It is always ready for action: it takes no time to assemble it. As most models are designed solely for dry cleaning, handheld vacuums do not have to be prepared, disassembled and washed after. Any dirt can be removed in a few minutes. You easily and quickly remove dirt in your apartment, house or car with minimum of effort and time to bring the device into working condition.

2. Space-saving.

Handheld vacuum occupies so little space that it can be stored anywhere. Therefore, it is always at hand. Even the smallest niche, a small locker in the kitchen or in the living room, space under the bed – all this can be used as a place to store it.

3. Easy to use.

Thanks to its light weight and ergonomic nozzles, handheld vacuum can quickly remove dust even in the hardest-to-reach places. Removing dust in the corner behind the sofa, on the top of the furniture, clean the curtain rod or chandelier shades is easy if you have such device.

4. Lightweight.

A handheld vacuum cleaner is a lightweight device. Its weight, depending on the manufacturer and model, can vary from 2 to 7 lbs. Even a prolonged cleaning will not be tiresome. This is a very important advantage for elderly and disabled people, for whom a full-sized device is too heavy to use. Due to its light weight, hand vacuum can be also used by children, so attentive parents have an excellent opportunity to accustom their younger generation to housework from a young age.

5. Low noise level.

Even the latest and “fanciest” standard vacuum cleaners are quite noisy during operation. If someone in your family is asleep or there is a baby in the house, cleaning with a full-sized vacuum must be postponed. Everything is much easier with a handheld vacuum: its engine is very quiet, so you can clean at any time.

Handheld vacuum cleaners of well-known brands, if not over claiming them, perfectly perform their functions. A handheld vacuum cleaner turns a laborious cleaning process into a simple and easy one. Most families already have two vacuum cleaners – a large and powerful vacuum for thorough cleaning and a handheld cordless vacuum for quick cleaning on a small area.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

10 thoughts on “5 Reasons Why You Need a Handheld Vacuum at Home.

  • Great article. I am looking to get myself a wireless vacuum cleaner. Can you recommend me any good place and which one to get? Thanks !

  • I have to admit I’ve never vacuumed my house. My boyfriend does that job, but we have an ancient Rainbow haha. I think this would be a great item to have in the house mostly for easy storage.

  • Since I moved into a two-story house, I feel like I need several vac for different things I do. And even with a few around any time I need one – it seems like a hassle to actually get it out – Yes, a hand-held sounds like a great option to try

  • Yup! We have one and we use it mostly after meals under our kitchen table. Let me be clear, we make our kids pick up after themselves! ha!! The best chore yet! Great tips!

  • We have 5 pets and our handheld vacuum has been a savior! It’s easy for little messes, pet hair, and vacuuming out my car. I can’t imagine life without it! x

  • I completely agree. I have a hand held which is my go-to vac for quick tasks. And with kids and dogs, there is always a quick vacuum task needing to be done.

  • I agree with all of the above, yet I do not even one a handheld vacuum! I’m thinking maybe I need to invest in one..they really are very convenient!

  • I SO agree with the points you have here! I myself have a handheld vacuum at home and it’s super helpful — mostly for the space saving part too because I live alone. I also love that I don’t have to set it up or lug it around because it is light 😀

  • I love that this vacuum is so space-saving. We have always lived in small houses. Even though we just moved into a larger one, we have so much stuff! Anything to save space (and energy) is good in my book. I don’t usually vacuum … okay I never vacuum, but my wife would appreciate this. 🙂

  • I light the lightweight and low noise part for sure. Great tips and yes I really like the one we have too. It is convenient for small things like crumbs when you don’t want to get the entire vacuum out of the closet or lug it up the stairs. Great items to have around.


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