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5 Essential UTV Customization Tips


Your UTV is like many others, but you want to make it your own not just on paper but in practice as well. Customizing your UTV is not a task to be taken lightly, as any misstep can lead to disastrous consequences.

First off, you’ll need to hunt for custom UTV parts, which isn’t necessarily an easy task. This is because you have to make sure the parts fit your machine. Secondly, you need to be aware that not all parts might make a huge difference (or at least not a beneficial one). Let’s explain.

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    1. Go for Safety First and for Looks Later

Sure, you’ve got your new UTV and you’re tempted to fine-tune it with a new sound system, some new lights, and other visually appealing accessories. Stop right there! Safety is the most important thing in a vehicle, and the UTV is no exception.

While you may want to visit this Polaris RZR parts online store just to purchase some small trinkets, we recommend looking for harnesses, improved headlights, rearview mirrors, and quick release fire extinguishers among other things.

    2. Search For Qualitative Parts

Whatever you do, don’t choose Chinese knock-offs. Only shop from trusted retailers and trustworthy manufacturers. The safest bet is to get something straight from the same manufacturer as the one who has made your UTV.

However, that’s not always possible. Some manufacturers simply don’t make many aftermarket parts for their UTVs. In this instance, you’ll have to rely on a third party that’s trusted and tested by serious off-road enthusiasts.

    3. Get Cab Enclosure and Windshield

When going off the road, you’ll encounter lots of dust, mud, and other unwanted elements. Naturally, you’re going to want to protect yourself from those elements as much as possible. That’s why enclosing your cabin and installing a windshield should be on your list of top priorities.

Not only that, but this will also help out your case at the DMV if you’re trying to make your UTV completely street legal within your jurisdiction.

5 Essential UTV Customization Tips


    4. Get Reliable Harnesses for You, Your Passenger(s), and Your Gear

Naturally, you won’t want to on an off-road adventure without your gear. And without any other people, the trip wouldn’t be even a quarter as fun as it would be otherwise. Case in point: you’ll want to take someone and some stuff with you, and installing reliable harnesses will ensure their safety.

Not only that, but it also looks much nicer than stock OEM harnesses or regular seat belts. So you get a 2-in-1 type of deal: both enhanced safety and some really nice looks to go along with it. You won’t regret it at all.

    5. Get a Rack for Extra Storage

UTVs are often used by farmers that need a vehicle to work on their ranch. If you plan on doing something similar as well, or if you’re just looking to bring more stuff with you on an off-road adventure, then you should get a rack for extra storage.

Having a rack brings plenty of advantages, from allowing you to safely strap smaller stuff to increasing the space to allow you to put bigger stuff at an angle so that they’re more safely placed inside your vehicle. Furthermore, you can set up a rack in multiple positions so that all your luggage will fit right as you want it to.

Final Thoughts

Follow these tips and you’ll have a much better time customizing your UTV as a beginner. After this, you can start customizing the things that you truly want to show off, such as new paint, new turbo kits, and so forth.

We would also like to read your opinion on the matter. Feel free to leave us a comment down below with your setup, your thoughts, and opinions. Starting a discussion on this topic can prove quite invaluable for new UTV enthusiasts who want to get the best out of their vehicles.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are 'affiliate links.' This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.


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