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Home & Garden

5 Cost Effective Solutions for keeping your Family Cool this summer

If you live in a hot or humid environment, you’ll know that there’s no better feeling than relaxing in front of the air-conditioning on a sweltering summers day. Running your air-conditioning non-stop, however, can ultimately lead to very expensive power bills. If you want to keep your family cool this summer, without breaking the bank, check out these great ideas for beating the heat!


Natural Breeze                      

Now it may sound obvious, but so many people do not take advantage of a beautiful, cool breeze on a summer’s day. Sitting on your balcony or opening your windows and doors can create a great circulation of air through your house, ultimately dropping the temperature noticeably. While artificially cooled air, such as air-conditioning, can cost a great amount of money, you can enjoy the luxury of a natural breeze, absolutely free!


Think Solar

In more recent years, solar power has become a regular feature in many everyday households. Families all around the world are now better understanding the benefits of solar power, the main being implementing environmentally friendly practices, along with heavily reduced power bills. With a house full of kids, solar power will help you not only in summer, but throughout the entire year. Whether the air-conditioner, heater or gaming console is on, you’ll rest assured, knowing that you won’t be surprised by a hefty power bill


Keep the Heat Out

While you have your air-conditioning on the coolest temperature possible, but are still struggling to maintain a bearable temperature indoors, take a moment to consider your blinds or curtains. Keeping the heat out of your house is the most practical way to keep your home cool, along with allowing your air-conditioning systems to work at their full potential. Light colored blinds reflect the heat of the sun, allowing your home to stay cooler in summer.


Choose the Right Kind of Air-conditioning

If you’re just one of those people that simply have to have their air-conditioning, consider the type of air-conditioning system you are using. Wall mounted air-conditioners can often consume a much more substantial amount of power, particularly when compared to quality ducted air-conditioning systems. Many newer house designs incorporate ducted air-conditioning as an optional feature, allowing home builders to create a more affordable living environment for families.


Banish Humidity

If humidity is ruining your summer, do all that you can to banish it from your home. While natural humidity is pretty hard to beat, you can keep your home cooler by eliminating household chores or activities that cause steam or bring humidity into the air. Keep cool be decreasing the use of a dryer or washing machine and by reducing cooking, where possible.


No body enjoys being hot and sweaty, particularly not crying babies or overworked mums. To keep your family cool this summer, without blowing your budget, follow our simple guide for cost effective cooling methods.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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