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5 Challenges of Advertising and How to Conquer Advertising Problems

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Growing a brand at any level of the journey is hinged on fulfilling specific requirements necessary for a thriving business. One of the secrets to a successful business is effective persuasive advertising, as advertisements are essentials for business growth. Any advertising has its challenges, no matter what you want to promote. So be ready for it! There are various forms of brand advertising – videos, texts, digital, media circulation and whatnot. Any and every avenue could be used to advertise your business. 

However, just as most business growing activities, business owners and brand marketers are no strangers to advertising problems. In this article, you will learn about the challenges of advertising and how to overcome them. The following are five advertising problems that may hinder the rapid growth and extensive exposure of your business. 

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    Ad blockers

Nothing is more frustrating and challenging for digital marketers than having your ads blocked and not viewed by your prospects due to the ad-block settings on websites and other lead-generating pages. To maneuver ad-block software algorithms, share website-looking ads or editorial instead of traditional digital ads, triggering ad block software. 

  • Higher budgets

To keep up with the dynamics of advertising, businesses are required to increase the budget allocated to brand marketing. This comes with investing higher in advertising the brand to generate more traffic, pay top social media platforms for the proper exposure and likes.  

To stay above water and not drown in debts, brand owners may want to go for affordable marketing options and balance the budgeting between advertisements and other business priorities. 

  • Non-creative contents

No one wants to watch or share displeasing content. Such contents are either too long or too short, lack a storyline or are either too plain or boring, a repetition of your previous ads or sharing substantial similarities of the ads of competitor businesses.  

To overcome this challenge, study your audience and what tickles their fancy and create original and unique content advertising materials around their desires. 

  • Advertising platforms 

Another advertising problem is knowing the right platform to advertise on. Some marketing ads are best shared on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, while others are best suited for longer-supporting media platforms like YouTube. Endeavour to know what your target audiences are most likely to use and push your ads to such platforms. 

  • Slow traffic

Traffic is evidence that your brand is getting the publicity it needs to grow, and your site is attracting many visitors and users. Increased traffic on your website equates to higher chances of lead conversion.  The reverse equates to an opposite result.  

To keep the traffic high and prospects visiting or clicking, incorporate SEO in your marketing techniques to boost organic traffic. For example, use keywords, include backlinks and hyperlinks, and use catchy social media captions, titles, and others. 

The advertising problems mentioned above are some of the most troubling challenges of advertising faced by digital marketers and brand owners. But, just as discussed in between the lines, your frustration will be a thing of the past with the proper knowledge. Ensure issues like these challenges are problems of the past for you this year by making informed marketing choices based on how to overcome these issues. 



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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