
4 Life Hacks To KickStart Your Day

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Life hacks are some of the most essential easy ways to improve your day. They start simple and their benefits compound over time as they are adhered to.

Some are daily, others can be used when they are needed, but in any case, they can make a massive impact on your life in the long term.

Let’s get started:


#1: Do A Speed Workout

Doing a speed workout can have a massive impact on your energy, stress, and emotional state for your day and beyond. Working out has been shown to be a massive indicator of mental acuity and readiness in attacking the challenges of the day.

In fact, some of the most successful people incorporate exercise into their day in some variation, and doing a speed workout is just one example.

You don’t have to run ten miles or lift a thousand pounds. It just starts by making a daily commitment by either:

  1. Running, walking, or jogging some distance that you feel is suitable. Many start by just going based off time and work their way up to choosing a particular distance.
  2. Doing body-weight based routines, which means things like push-ups, situps, pullups and other simple exercises.
  3. Enjoying a brief yoga session for as little as ten to fifteen minutes.

You’ll end up feeling more refreshed and focused once you get rolling, and you’ll sleep better and have more energy than ever.

#2: Meditate For 5 to 30 Minutes

Another easy way to get your day honed in is to spend a few minutes meditating.  The type of meditation you choose is optional. Ultimately the main point is to calm your mind by focusing on your breath.

There are thousands of articles online that cover practices and the best ways to do it.

But, the main purpose of meditation is to clear your head of the previous day’s problems and cultivate mindfulness. This process lowers stress, improves focus, and helps keep practitioners centered for the day to come.

Over time, you’ll be healthier and more relaxed.

Life Hack #3: Plan Out Your Next Week Financially

A more challenging but useful hack is taking time each week to look back at what you spent, how it was spent, and how your money will be used in the future.

Mint is the best app for managing your expenses/funds on a day to day basis. They make it easy to examine where your money is going and why.

It also helps you to financially plan for goals or trips you want to take that can prove a powerful motivator inspired by your progress.

Sometimes problems and stress financially can lower productivity and become a downward spiral.

Taking a frank look at the beginning of the day at what you are facing can help you organize for what you need to do in the upcoming week/keep you mindful of any reactionary spending habits.

If things are bleak, look into loans that can give more breathing room during your planning process.  Options like 5000LoanHelp can get that influx of money that can really bolster your day.

Life Hack #4: Take a Cold Shower

One of the more surprising ones that can have a profound effect is taking a cold shower.  Taking a cold shower is one of the easiest ways to make a massive difference in your alertness and energy.

Cold showers have been proven to improve muscle problems, improve alertness, circulation and more.

Start off by incorporating a cold or cool portion of your daily shower by beginning with a few seconds at the lowered temperature and gradually building up the total time.

Within a few weeks, you’ll be able to deal with the drastic change, and you’ll see the results despite the initial unpleasantness.

In Conclusion

Incorporate one or all of these life hacks into your daily schedule and you’re bound to see a substantial change. Beyond these, you will be able to extend or improve upon what works best for you.

Do you have any awesome life hacks you’d like to share? Did you like the article?

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