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Health & Fitness

4 Helpful Tips for Women Trying to Keep Their Hair Healthy and Appealing

Making a great first impression is something that most women are serious about. There are a number of things you will need to do to keep your outward appearance immaculate. Investing in things like flat curling iron sets and the right hair care products is essential when trying to keep your hairdo manageable and appealing. If you are not careful, you can make a variety of hair care mistakes that may lead to this vital part of your body becoming damaged. While properly taking care of your hair may be a bit time-consuming, it is well worth the effort you invest. The following are some helpful tips for women who are attempting to keep their hair healthy and appealing.

  1. Be Sure to Pat Your Hair Dry

Among the biggest mistakes that most women make when it comes to caring for their hair is drying this part of their body wrong. If your hair is wet, it is more susceptible to being damaged. This means that when you rub your hair vigorously with a towel, it can create split ends, tangles and a number of other problems. When the hair becomes tangled in the threads of your towel, it will usually lead to them being ripped out from the roots. The best way to get your hair dry without damaging it is by patting it. Before you being patting your hair dry, be sure to shake it dry in the shower before getting out. While this type of drying will take a bit longer, your hair will thank you for the extra effort you invest.

  1. Avoid Chemical Treatments at All Costs

Another important thing you need to do to keep your hair looking great it to avoid chemical treatments at all costs. Doing things like repeatedly coloring or even perming your hair can be quite damaging. If you need to have alterations done to your hair, it is best to seek out the help of a hair stylist rather than trying to do it on your own with over the counter chemicals. Typically, these chemicals can do a lot of damage and will leave your hair looking dry and brittle. By seeking out the help of a hair care professional, you will have no problem getting the results you are after without doing irreversible damage to your hair.

  1. The Right Hair Tools Make All the Difference

When styling your hair, you need to make sure you have the best products and tools on the market. Some men think that they can cut corners when it comes to their hair care products, but this will usually lead to a vast array of problems. If you are combing your hair when it is wet, you need to invest in a quality wide-tooth comb. This will allow you to gently work out the tangles and will also help you to avoid damaging your hair as well. When using heated tools on your hair, be sure to invest in a high-grade protectant. With this protectant you can use these tools without frying your hair in the process.

  1. Staying Healthy is Vital

Most women fail to realize that the diet and exercise routine they are on can affect the look of their mane. If you are eating, exercising and getting enough sleep, then your hair will look better due to the health of your scalp. Consuming nothing but junk food can leave your hair looking damaged and brittle. In some instances, taking supplements is a great way to give your hair the extra boost it needs. Be sure to consult with holistic professionals to find out more about the vitamins and minerals you need to consume to help your hair stay healthy.

Seeking out some guidance from a hair care professional will give you the insight needed to keep your hair healthy and manageable.



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31 thoughts on “4 Helpful Tips for Women Trying to Keep Their Hair Healthy and Appealing

  • Pingback: Are Hair Relaxers Safe? 5 Things All Moms Should Know

  • One of the things that would make a woman look appealing is their hair. And it’s important for us women to take good care of our hair.

  • Pingback: 5 Natural Secrets to keep your hair Lustrous: As You Know Healthy Hair Uplift Women’s Confidence? - Night Helper

  • I have bad hair. Enough said. This is great advice even for me.

  • thanks for the tips.I do like to color my hair so there is some damage.

  • Great tips as I am about to get my hair cut tomorrow. I am trying to avoid chemicals.

  • I rub my hair with a towel. A bad habit I have.

  • Thanks for the tips

  • Great ideas! I do most of these things but I really love doing an all natural cleanse on my hair. Sometimes I use ACV after I shampoo my hair and I’ve also put ….this is going to sound weird..mayo in my hair.

  • great tips I also take biotin vitamins to help my hair and nails mediicatiion takes a tole on my hair.

  • Good ideas but sometimes expensive.

  • great tips, I do color my hair every 3-4 months but have always done it at a salon because I have had good luck that way.

  • I can attest to the coloring your hair at home because my hair has become very dry and brittle from the chemicals.

  • My hair is long & damaged I can use these tips!

  • Great tips!! Definitely need to start patting my hair dry!!

  • Hair, skin and nail vitamins are great.

  • These are great tips, I need to start patting my hair dry.

  • Good ideas and I do most of this but never pat my hair dry. I’ll try that one soon. Thanks for sharing.

  • I find the simpler I keep things, the better my hair is. I was with Bronners castile and use their rinse. Once a week I use castor oil in my hair. I brush before showering. If I have to wear my hair down, a little homemade sugar spray is all I use.

  • Great ideas, but I do use chemicals to dye my hair. At 46, I am fighting the gray all the way! I need to find more natural ways to cover gray.

  • Most people don’t know to pat your hair dry,my hairdresser told me this many years ago.

  • I use some of these tips and let my hair air dry all of the time. i just started taking vitamins that help with hair and nails. I can’t wait to see how they work.

  • Not sure I would follow all of these – rubbing your hair dry with a regular towel will damage it but using one made for drying hair doesn’t – if I don’t rub my hair dry, it will literally drip for half an hour. It doens’t matter how much I “pat” it dry!

  • My poor hair. I have been doing it wrong all of these years

  • Great tips. Wish my hair looked like those pics LOL

  • My Mother and Sister started coloring their hair intheir 20s, and both now have hair that is awful. I said “OK” to the grey and still have a lush head of hair. Coincidence?

  • I love these tips

  • Oh My, I have been my hair all wrong, I love these ideas and I will share them with all my friends

  • Great hair tips.. my wife will like these tips. Thanks


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