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3 Ways You Can Support And Show Love To Your Elderly Loved Ones.

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Our elderly loved ones have likely known us for much of our lives if not all of it! They have loved and supported us over the years, and our own families too. Well, now that they are aging it is time that you repaid the favor. So, whether you’re looking at ways to show love and support for elderly grandparents, godparents or friends, this guide is for you!

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Keep in touch with them

Maybe you live a five-minute walk, a five-hour drive or a five-hour flight from your elderly relatives. Whatever the case, it is so important that you keep in touch. However, it can sometimes be the case that we speak to those who live far away from us more than we do people in our town! If you struggle to fit in long phone calls at ad-hoc times, schedule a set- time each week. Carve out that time and give it the same, un-cancellable important as you would a Doctor’s appointment or meeting with your boss. You are showing them that you love them by finding the time for them. Plus, by speaking with them, you might be able to help them fix any minor problems they have. Remember, if they’re elderly they may not be around for all that much longer. Make the most of the time you have with them while you can. Use whatever communication you both prefer. You could video conference, or just speak on the phone!


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Move them closer to you

If you’ve been considering moving closer to your elderly relatives, how about switching that idea around? How about moving them closer to you, or more specifically, right into your back garden! Hire Granny Flat Builders to build you a Granny Flat! These are purpose-built buildings idea for elderly people. Only on one level, they are suitable for mobility issues existing either now or potentially in the future. This feature and many more would be provided because you would be hiring a company who already know what is and isn’t suitable.


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What a wonderful act of love and support. Plus, it means you can keep an eye on them, and they have the reassurance of having you and your family close at hand. However, it also gives them their own space and privacy, and you yours.


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Get them involved in your day

As many people age, the activities and things they can do with their day reduces. However, in many cases, this is more of a frustration than a blessing. Instead of leaving them to their own devices and presuming they’re okay, get them involved with your day. This could be just nipping to the store for your weekly store. Take them for a drive, and to do some everyday errands. It will be nice for them to get out of their house, do some exercise and get some fresh air. Plus, it might for nice for you to have some company! Or take it to the next level. Take them along with you on your next family vacation, for instance.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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