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3 Steps to a Budget Friendly Fashion Party

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Most of us are familiar with party planning and how stressful it can be. You have to be on top of everything- decor, invitations, and of course- the attire! Throwing a swinging fashion party doesn’t have to be such a drag, however. Here’s 3 steps to throwing the best fashion party on a budget:


What will your party look like? Where will the event take place? What is the dress code? What kind of refreshments will be served, if any? Will there be a small, exclusive group of invitees or a huge soiree? Although a seemingly minute task that takes the least amount of energy, this is the most important task, as it will lead to the next couple of steps to make your party a success. You need to know what you want and don’t want for your event.


Of course, we are still on a budget here, so don’t let your thoughts run away with you! A good rule of thumb is that you want to concentrate your event to all the people who will matter to the event. A fashion event could be great for networking and checking out the latest from the headlining designers, so keep this in mind when sending out your invites.

For refreshments on a budget that are healthy and delicious, I recommend Chili’s catering for fashion events.  There are other offers from discounts on refreshments through couponing websites. This is a fashion party, so health is important, and Chili’s has a number of low-carb options. Keep it simple. A nice tapa or party platter will do. Bonus points if you can kick a few friends a small fee to act as servers!

Invites can be done in a snap with a home printer and nice stationary relative to your event. There are many different fonts on most word processing software that you use. Do a small embellishment on the invites and “Voila!” You have a posh, chic look to your invitations for just pennies on the dollar.


With all of that running around and saving money, it can be difficult to not stress, but have you met stress’s best friends, Mr. Pimple & Mrs. Blackhead? Breakouts are one of life’s little gifts and can stem from being under an unusual amount of stress. While you’re at your local supercenter, go ahead and do yourself a favor: grab a good scrub and a tool for removing blackheads. Use the scrub before bed and after waking up. Examine your skin daily and if you see a little blackhead making a guest appearance, use the tool for removing blackheads. Remain vigilant especially as the event draws near so that you catch potential breakouts early. You’ll thank yourself for it later.

Also, pre-plan your attire for the event. It is your event, so you must be the stand-out person in the room. Plan your attire ahead by pre-fitting clothing items and getting them tailored, so that you have a nice, sharp look. Don’t be afraid to go a little on the dramatic side! Nice colors that pop, frills or a unique cut are absolutely called for on your day. Bonus points here if you are handy with a sewing machine, so that you may customize your attire freely.

You do not need to have a ton of money for a great fashion party. All you need to set a budget, stick to it and make up the money you don’t have in good old-fashioned elbow grease. The main key is to have your main supporters there and have fun!


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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