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2018 Baby Gift Guide Featuring Nanobebe STARTER SET, transition baby from breast to bottle with ease.

Welcome to our 2018 Baby Gift Guide. For the next few weeks we will be showcasing some awesome “Baby Must Have” gift ideas for your little one. You will see a range of products in all categories along with links for you to lean more or purchase any of these items.

Mom’s if you’re seeking to finding a good breast-feeding bottle set for your baby, sit back and let me introduce you to the Nanobebe STARTER SET.

As parents we all know how important it is for our babies to get the nutrient they need in order for them to be healthy and grow. Well, the great thing about this system is nanobébé is the first feeding bottle specifically designed to protect precious breastmilk nutrients which are so essential to baby’s health.

This set will be just what mom and baby needs! The bottles are designed to help the milk spread into a thin layer, allowing it to cool quickly (reducing bacterial growth) and warm quickly (at safe temperatures).

Another great factor about the nanobébé bottle is, it warms up 2-3 times faster than standard bottles. Additionally, nanobébé’s familiar shape encourages smooth and instinctual transition from breast to bottle for the times mom might need to be away from baby.

This fact (shape of bottles) really do make a difference to a mom who is headed back to work. It’s so hard  trying to transition your baby from breast to bottle and the frustration of  transiting can make it even more difficult but, with a bottle system like nanobebe this area should be helpful for both parties involved! No worries about preserving and storing breastmilk nutrients because the Nanobebe has your covered plus the nanobébé nonelectrical Smart Warming Bowl will quickly and evenly warm breastmilk without any hassles!

Another innovative factor that will help your baby is the shape of the bottle nipples mimics moms breast, making them easy for your little one to feel comfortable plus they’ll have a great hold on every bottle which will enable them to learn how to safely self-feed.

The starter set will include all the essentials baby and mom will need:

Breastmilk Bottles– Are uniquely designed to preserve breastmilk nutrients and encourage a smooth transition from breast to bottle.

Smart Warming Bowl – Follows the World Health Organization’s recommendation that bottles should only be warmed with warm tap water. It’s unique geometry warms quickly and evenly.

Silicone Nipples – advanced 360° venting system to reduce colic.

Flexy Pacifiers – One-piece silicone construction adheres to the American Academy of Pediatrics’ guidelines for newborns, and babies love them!

Breast Pump Adaptors – Compatible with standard pumps on the market. Allows moms to conveniently express breastmilk directly into your nanobébé bottles for use or for storing.


Well, there you have it, a great, innovative, modern, Nanobebe STARTER SET.  The Nanobebe can be also found online and at Babies“R”Us and buybuy BABY stores nationwide. Nanobebe retails for $49.99


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Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

64 thoughts on “2018 Baby Gift Guide Featuring Nanobebe STARTER SET, transition baby from breast to bottle with ease.

  • I’m so very thankful for finding your article..Very informative post.We have been on the lookout for some best baby bottle for my nephew these are really a great list with detailed information.. you saved so much of my time . thank you., Really looking forward to read more… .


  • would love to win for a friend as a gift for her baby

  • I love the smart warming bowl! The entire set is great and I wish I’d had that when my kids were babies.

  • Even in the last decade it is amazing how far baby bottles have come! I think it’s fantastic how they are becoming more designed as women’s breasts; just makes sense really.

  • This would be an awesome gift for a baby shower.

  • I am passing this on over to my niece who just had a baby boy..colt.

  • Very nice I would buy this as a shower gift.

  • lots of great stuff here for any mother that is nursing. Right now I don’t know any one is pregnant or I would be looking for this a a shower gift

  • I have a grandson being born in June, this would be a great gift.

  • This set sounds fantastic! Thank you for telling us about it. I might gift it to a new mom as a baby shower gift 💕

  • New mom’s would love this

  • Wish I had seen this before my bestie’s baby shower!! I still may look into getting this for my new “cute as a button” nephew!! 😊

  • This is so awesome. Why didn’t they have these while I was pregnant with my son.

  • The Nanobebe STARTER SET sounds awesome! My babies are grown up now, but I definitely would have tried these had they been around! I personally used Dr. Browns, but all of the pieces that I had to wash were kind of a pain. Thanks for sharing!

  • This would be great for a new mom!

  • This would be a great baby shower gift for my friend who is having twins.

  • Awesome set for any new mother or mother to be.

  • This is so cool. I wish I would’ve found out about this when my niece was born.

  • Great for my niece who just had twins

  • My god-daughter is expecting her baby in April. What an awesome gift to give her, if I won!!. I wish this was an option for me when I was expecting my daughters, 35 years ago! This is awesome!

  • what a great idea for a new mother and what a great shower gift,

  • Wish they would have had these 10 years ago when my daughter was nursing! LOL Would have made pumping, storing and feeding so much easier!

  • Sounds like a nice product for women who have children.

  • Great bottle set !!

  • Never heard of these before and with waiting on the birth of 3 babies in our family this spring and summer, this is very interesting.

  • I wish they had these when my kids were babies.

  • These sound awesome. So unique for baby. I have a young coworker who is expecting her first child. She would love these. Thank you so much for sharing

  • This really makes sense with so many moms having to transition back to work after a few months.

  • Very nice for a new mother to have, make a great shower GIFT.

  • This is awesome

  • This is something I will have to remember when it’s time for another grandbaby to bless our lives!

  • This would be a great baby shower gift. Such innovative design.

  • If something like this had been available 30 years ago, I would have loved it.

  • My friend just had a baby and could use this.

  • I wish this was around when my son was a baby!

  • What a great idea. Mom can use this if she needs to stop breastfeeding. Wonderful!

  • Thank you for the blog, I could have used these with my daughter! She had a hard time taking a bottle, and never really did!

  • This starter set looks aweome and my daughter’s friend could really use these! Thanks for the review.

  • I wish these were available when my kids were babies! Love the shape and Smart Warming Bowl!

  • This looks so useful.

  • This would be a nice gift for my friend’s baby shower

  • My oldest has been talking about possibly having kids in the very near future. This sounds like an excellent system for her and the little one!

  • wow today mom has so much easier with items to help them great products indeed

  • This would definitely make a great gift for new moms, wish i would’ve had this set! Love the warming bowl and that it warms faster and safer.

  • I’m amazed at all the new things for moms these days. This is a neat item.

  • What a great product. I love that it comes with its own warming bowl. These would make such a great gift for someone who is breast feeding.

  • My sister in law is pregnant and could use this!!

  • Wish I had this information when my grandchildren were babies….

  • Looking good nice starter set

  • Man this warming bowl would have been a lifesaver two years ago!

  • What a great idea my daughter on law was having such a jard time getting my grandaon to tale the bottle. I bet these would have helped.

  • looks safe to use

  • What a neat invention! This is a godsend for those mothers transitioning from breast to bottle. Great idea!!

  • I could have used this when my girl was a baby.

  • Oh my gosh that is the coolest ever and being able to save milk much easier and way better for the baby is awesome. I love that it helps it warm quicker too!

  • My niece could use this. She had to go back to work and start the baby on the bottle

  • This looks great- I wish this was an option when my kids were younger!

  • I can’t believe how things have progressed I had my first child 40 years ago………….Crazy to see what technology has help to create for our babies.

  • That looks like the best bottle set that I have ever seen to help a baby easily transition from the breast.


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