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2018 Baby Gift Guide Featuring Dreft: Pur-Touch

Welcome to our 2018 Baby Gift Guide. For the next few weeks we will be showcasing some awesome “Baby Must Have” gift ideas for your little one. You will see a range of products in all categories along with links for you to lean more or purchase any of these items.

Today’s showcase is a product all mom’s need to have on hand for their newborn baby, it’s Dreft: Pur-Touch!

Congratulations!! You are having a baby! You just came from the OB/GYN and found out you are having a little baby boy or girl. You are ecstatic and you cannot wait to start shopping! Every store you go to you are now stopping in the baby section. Every shirt, pair of pants, pair of socks or onesie is catching your eye as you KNOW that your little one will look oh so cute in them!

While we may want to immediately start dressing up our little ones, we must first remember to wash EVERYTHING before we do so. Doing this removes any dust or substances that may irritate the baby’s skin. Not only would dust and substances irritate the baby’s skin but the type of detergent used to wash the clothes could as well. Harsh detergents will irritate your baby if their skin is sensitive but there is no way for your baby to come out and tell you this so the best practice would be to use a safe detergent.

Introducing Dreft: Pur-Touch baby detergent for newborns. Protect your little one’s skin before it is a problem. Pur-Touch is a plant based laundry detergent that removes 99 percent of baby stains, has 0 percent dyes and is 65% USDA certified bio-based product. Hypoallergenic Liquid Laundry Detergent and also cleanses fabric on baby skin.

It’s great for high efficiency and non-heavy washers (front- and top-load) and for medium loads, fill to bar 1. For large loads, fill to bar 3. For heavy loads, fill to bar 5, plus  Dreft: Pur-Touch is recommended by the Pampers brand!


So you see, you can trust Dreft to protect your baby’s skin! Don’t wait grab your Dreft: Pur-Touch bottle today and prepare your new baby’s clothes the safe way before use!



Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

32 thoughts on “2018 Baby Gift Guide Featuring Dreft: Pur-Touch

  • I have never used Dreft but it sounds like a great product.

  • i loved dreft when my babies were little.

  • I remember using Dreft on my son, it is a great product.

  • I have to use this product on my baby blankets.

  • Used this all the time when my kids were babies.

  • I used dreft when my adult children were babies. I still use it on occasion when I need to gentle wash something for someone with laundry soap sensitivities.

  • I not only use this on the baby clothes but on my lingerie

  • I always used dreft for my kids. It’s the top thing i recommend to new moms.

  • I use Dreft for my Dad’s laundry, he has very sensitive skin.

  • I used Dreft when my children were small. I loved it!

  • Dreft was what I used for my kids and am now using for my grandkids. So good for sensitive skin.

  • I have never used Dreft but it sounds so wonderful. I would use it on my grandchildren’s clothes even though they are not babies anymore. But they do have sensitive skin.

  • I loved Dreft when mine were babies! My oldest daughter has especially sensitive skin, even now, so Dreft was the only thing I ever washed her clothes in. 🙂 It smells like new babies and is super gentle on their skin. 🙂

  • Dreft has been great for babies clothes for years.

  • This looking good

  • I used Dreft on my babies a few years ago. Always a great product.

  • Used this all the time when my kids were babies.

  • It also works well for non-babies with sensitive skin. I have a friend who is very sensitive to most detergents so he uses Dreft sometimes.

  • The dreft laundry soap works wonders! Soft and safe for babies!

  • These are some great ideas. I have a couple baby showers coming up. I like this. It is something they will definitely need. thank you so much for sharing

  • I love draft. Our son is expecting in June and I just ordered 2 bottles of Dreft from Amazon to be delivered to their house.

  • I love that it has no dyes and is hypoallergenic and it still will get out most stains.

  • I love dreft it is a good laundry detergent for babies

  • I love Dreft. I used it for my little girl, and she never had any problems with it.

  • I don’t need this anymore, except for maybe me.
    I am so sensitive to all soaps and detergents. It is a problem.

  • I think this is what we use for our grandson’s laundry. If now, I’ll certainly suggest that they switch to Deft!

  • I used Dreft on all my baby’s clothes. I’m glad to see it’s still around but also improved!

  • I am not sure where to leave a comment or about what. I used Dreft when my kids were in diapers. I loved it.

  • Dreft makes awesome products

  • I use Dreft as an adult because of the fact that it it also made for sensitive skin. It cleans the clothing well.

  • I love using dreft. It works great.

  • All moms with babies need Dreft. They have great products!


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