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Home & Garden

2015 Holiday Gift Guide with Nutri Ninja Auto-iQ

Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.

Believe it or not the Holidays are just around the corner as my parents use to say!! So we decided to share with you some great Holidays Gifts for everyone. From now until December 18th the Night Helper Blog will be showcasing some great products. We will make sure to leave you with links to visit every product listed so you can add these items your Christmas List!!


Today we are sharing the Nutri Ninja Auto iQ Pro Complete Professional Blender.


If you’re looking for a way to becoming more healthier than the Nutri Ninja iQ is the key machine in getting you started. I know every year I say I’m going to kick start my healthy journey and I do but along the way I get lost.

This awesome machine /blender is just what we all need, actually it’s the perfect gift for your friends and family. Let me tell you more about the Nutri Ninja iQ.

The Nutri Ninja Auto-iQ Pro Complete system offers ultimate versatility by combining nutrient and vitamin extraction, high-performance blending and precision processing, which altogether adds up to one versatile powerful system. This Nutri Ninja system includes Smooth Boost Technology which allow you to customize your drink-making experience. Whether you’re using nutrient extraction or high-performance blending.


It will break down whole fruits and veggies with ease which will provide your body with the refreshing full-bodied nutrient juices it needs. The pro extractor blades pulverize both fresh ingredients and ice into a silky smooth consistency. It has a high-performance blending power that can go through frozen ingredients and make cool smoothies and shakes plus with the Smooth Boost Technology, it will offer you the option of extra-smooth liquefaction. The Auto-IQ Pro Technology automatically pulses and pauses to blend and liquefy. Another great thing about the Nutri Ninja is,  its dish wash safe and BPA Free.

Product includes:

Safe interlock design

Sip and Seal lids

Nutri Ninja Pro Exactor Blades

2 iQ Auto Programs

Ergonomically design

Nutri Ninja Cups

2 Manuel settings and much more.

So the next time you’re seeking to finding that right juicer that will extract/crush  and blend all your ingredients with ease, check out the Nutri Ninja iQ. It’s more than a blender it’s also a great smoothie maker too.

Grab yours today just in time for the holidays and get to eating more healthier!


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Howdy everyone, I just wanted to inform you that I was not compensated for this post. However, I did receive a product from the company below and the opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines. All prize fulfillment will be provided by Sponsors.


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

9 thoughts on “2015 Holiday Gift Guide with Nutri Ninja Auto-iQ

  • Very nice system. Plus you know it is high quality

  • I though the Ninja hype was just that…a hype,…till hubby got me one for our anniversary. WOW! I now understand…it’s awesome, so easy to use, and works FAST!!

  • I would love to have the actual NutRI Ninja for my house. I received an off brand like the NutRI Ninja from my neighbor to try to use. I have told her about how I’ll I am and how I needed to start making healthy shakes to drink because I hate to eat my meals by myself so I only eat dinner. I have several health problems and need to eat several small meals a day. So she gave me this off brand. From what you have said here the Nitri Ninja has this one beat. With the way it can smash stuff up into very small bits is the number one thing for me. I hate leaving big chunks of ice or whatever left over. Thank you for the review.

  • This would be so handy to have. I could use it for so many different recipes I have It would make my prepping so much easier.

  • YES, PLEASE!! I have always wanted one to make some healthy smoothies in.

  • This would be a great giveaway!

  • This is nice love to own one
    looks easy to use

  • I would love a giveaway for this, have been trying to win one of these for years now 🙂

  • I would love to have a ninja Nutri! These would be so handy around the kitchen.


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