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Why I Fall In Love With Electric Scooters for Kids

Speed, fun, and excitement are why I fall in love with electric scooters for kids. They are unique all-around toys for your kid to play around on and zoom about the neighborhood with other children. 

As one of the latest popular toys, some parents might not be as aware of the dangers and capabilities of an electric scooter, so that’s what we’re here to look at today. 

A Child Will Develop Motor Skills 

Why I Fall In Love With Electric Scooters for Kids

Like bicycles, skateboards, and rollerblades, children will develop motor skills using their electric scooters. You’ll need to get a children’s e-scooter for this, just as you would need a children’s bicycle. It is crucial with electric scooters because they can go too fast. 

Getting a good e-scooter for your child will help them learn the coordination skills a bicycle provides and a basic version of how vehicles such as cars function with acceleration and braking. 

It’s Affordable 

Electric scooters for kids don’t have to break the bank. There are lots that are affordable. Most electric scooters for kids are around $200, putting them in the same range as bicycles. You can even find ones for better deals than that. 

One thing to keep in mind is the size and range of the scooter. The size will matter for how big your child is and finding riding around comfortable. The range matters if you are expecting your child to on longer trips, such as to and from school. 

Teach Them to Take Care of E-scooter & Responsibility

Riding an e-scooter will teach them responsibility through its care and maintenance. They have to know where to park it, store it, and how to take care of it when it needs minor fixes. 

Electric scooters also can’t deal with bumps in the road as well as a car can because of their small wheels. So kids will have to learn how to navigate their area to avoid any dangerous parts of the street. 

It’s a great way to get your kid in touch with their mechanical side, learning on something much simpler and easier than a car how a machine starts moving and stopping. This is another reason why I fall In love with electric scooters for kids.

Perfect Toy for Summer 

An e-scooter is one of the perfect toys for summer, letting the kids ride around easily in the neighborhood to visit their friends and explore together. 

Teach Traffic Rules Early On 

Another big teaching moment is traffic rules, which electric scooters teach kids to obey when they travel around. They have to learn more than just the pedestrian walking rules, getting to know the flow of traffic, looking both ways, and signaling when they will go. 

It’s never too early to learn hand signals for turning left, right, and going straight at intersections. 

It’s Easy to Learn 

Getting around on an electric scooter is easy to learn! 

Kids can quickly get to know the ins and outs of driving them. They get to learn how to take off, accelerate and decelerate, how to brake, and how to deal with uneven roads or sidewalks. Once they’ve gotten the hang of these basics, they are ready to go!

Manufacturers will also often include some instructions on this with their scooter, so be sure to check them out.  

Cheap and Easy to Maintain Kids E-scooters

Generally speaking, kid’s e-scooters are inexpensive and easy to maintain. To charge one, you simply plug it into a wall. Otherwise, you can keep them in your garage or shed, and they’ll be ready to go for next time. 

Other than that, you can treat them much the same as you would a bicycle or regular scooter. Just try to keep them out of bad weather as that can damage some models.

A Few Dangerous Aspects We Need to Stay Aware Of

There are a few dangerous aspects of using a scooter you should be aware of as a parent. If you live in a higher elevation, there is a chance of your child being unable to break near a ridge. Also, if your child is still too young or small, even a kid’s electric scooter might be too much for them. 

Like bicycles, there’s always a chance of falling off and getting injured. However, the main difference with e-scooters is the powered aspect, so teaching your child how to handle the controls correctly and go on many test runs is important. 

Several Safety Tips Before Ride 

Because of the dangers involved, here are a few e-scooter safety tips to get started before your child rides their electric scooter. 

First, they should learn to ride it in the safety of a backyard or quiet street. Don’t let them go into a high-traffic area when they are just learning. 

Second, make sure they have a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads for maximum safety on an electric scooter. A helmet is essential for the protection it provides.

Third, make sure your child knows all the basic traffic rules and how to obey them. One of the biggest dangers comes from other vehicles, so watch out!


So, we have found out why I fall in love with electric scooters for kids. They are fast, fun, easy to use, and teach so many exciting things to kids at a young age. 

You not only get the experience of learning how to ride a vehicle, but they can travel pretty far with low effort, meaning kids can use them to get to and from friends’ houses and school once they get the hang of it. 


Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

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