What to Look for In a Physical Therapy Degree Program
Choosing a career straight out of high school can be a tough decision to make.
For many students, it takes them a bit of time to settle on their next career path. If you’ve done your research and due diligence, you may have found your career by going to school to become a physical therapist.
However, it’s essential to realize that not all physical therapy programs are created equal, and there are a few things you’ll want out of any program you decide to enter. In the blog below, we’ll go into a few things you should expect from any PT school you go to.
They Put Their Students First
A physical therapy degree isn’t an easy thing to get, and it’s going to be a long, hard road. That’s why finding a program that puts its students first is so important. Everything the school does, from the core courses to the hands-on practice, should be geared towards you succeeding in obtaining your degree.
If the school doesn’t put its students first, then it’s best to move on to the next possible program on your list.
A Blended Experience
A good program will offer its students a blended experience. This means a healthy balance of online, in-person, and hands-on learning. Academics aren’t the only important thing when going to school; you need to be with your peers, the instructors, and other faculty members to put into practice what the lectures have already taught you.
A Hands-On Education
Any physical therapy program you choose should offer you hands-on experience. This means offering state-of-the-art labs, up-to-date medical equipment, and teachers that can teach you how to use all of them. There is no substitute for real-world practice in controlled settings.
If the program you’re considering doesn’t offer this, it’s best to look elsewhere.
Look for Transferable Skills
While you will graduate with a physical therapy degree, you can always return to school to pursue higher education. All of the courses in your program should be transferable to other programs when the time comes.
The skills you learn should be transferable as well. On top of that, to get a job, you will need a strong work ethic and interpersonal flexibility, all of which you should be able to learn through the program you’re already in.
A Great Core Curriculum
A physical therapy degree isn’t going to do you any good if you don’t have the right core curriculum. Make sure that the program you’re considering has the curriculum you need and that the school is accredited and able to help you meet all requirements for graduation also.
A High Tech Experience
High-tech is the wave of the future, and the school you’re attending to become a physical therapist should have plenty of high-tech. These features should include things like 3D printers, driving simulations, medical simulation labs, and more. While academics are important, so is being able to immerse yourself in the experience of helping people, an invaluable tool for working with clients once you graduate and join the workforce.
The Cost
No program to do with education is going to be inexpensive. However, the program should offer financial aid options, scholarships, and prices that fit your budget, if possible. While getting an education is never going to be inexpensive, there are options out there that can make it more affordable if you know where to look for them.
Choosing a career path can be scary, if not overwhelming. Once you’ve decided to follow your dreams and become a physical therapist, you need to find a program that meets all the requirements we’ve listed above. If the program doesn’t meet these criteria, it’s best to look elsewhere.