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Health & Fitness

Ways for Mothers to Get Back in Shape After Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings joy and fulfillment for a family, especially after the mother gives birth to her bundle of joy. Even as her happiness is immeasurable, she can feel apprehensive about going out a few weeks after the delivery due to the extra pounds she gained during pregnancy.

At this point, she will feel antsy about her situation. But she can work on losing the extra weight through exercise and a proper diet. Motherhood can also help her in the weight loss program since breastfeeding can help her burn calories.

Here are some ways for a mother to get back in shape after her delivery.

Post-Pregnancy Exercises

After pregnancy, a mother can perform postpartum workouts that focus on strengthening the muscles in her torso. Before exercising, they should check with their obstetrician, especially if the mother experienced a challenging pregnancy and delivery.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says that the mother can start exercising a few days after delivery if there were no issues with the pregnancy and delivery of the baby. But they should take it gradually and avoid overexerting themselves since they did not have enough exercise while carrying the baby.

Aside from losing weight, workout routines also offer a lot of benefits for mothers. Exercising after delivery can help strengthen the abdominal muscles. It can also tone this muscle group. Mothers also feel relieved from stress and get more energy when they exercise. It also allows them to sleep better and avoid postpartum depression.

Mothers can start with walking exercises. They can take a walk around the neighborhood with or without their babies. But they should make sure to follow health protocols since the pandemic is not yet over. This means the mother should avoid mingling with people who are not a part of the household.

A 10-minute walk is a good way for them to start their walking exercises. They can increase it to around 20 or 30 minutes per day to build their strength and endurance. Once they build up their endurance, they can start jogging around the neighborhood instead of simply walking. Mothers can also perform walking lunges and push-ups while at home.

Aside from walking, basic crunches also allow them the work on the abdominal muscles. Cardio exercises also allow mothers to increase their metabolism while burning extra fat. Shoulder raises and squats are good exercises to try after pregnancy. They can also perform lunges together with triceps extensions. These exercises can bring up their heart rate.

But some mothers do not have time for these exercises. In these situations, they can go through non-surgical iLipo treatment if they want to shave off inches from their waist. The treatment offers measurable results after a single session. It also allows mothers to target areas that their exercise cannot deal with.

Kegels and Pelvic Tilts

Childbirth can also cause temporary bladder leakages that will heal within a few weeks or months. But mothers can shorten this recovery period by strengthening their pelvic floor muscles through Kegel exercises.

They can perform Kegel exercises a few days after delivery as long as their doctor approves it. Mothers can also perform pelvic tilts together with Kegel exercises. These routines can speed up the recovery process by increasing the blood supply in the perineum. It also allows the mothers to strengthen their abdominal muscles.


Breastfeeding offers a lot of benefits for the mother and her baby. The baby will have a stronger immune system, reduce the risk for bacterial meningitis and ear infection, and have better resistance to pneumonia and whooping cough.

On the other hand, mothers will lose around 500 calories each day when they breastfeed their babies, which helps them lose weight after pregnancy. Aside from losing weight, it also promotes the contraction of the uterus and allows it to return to its normal size. Even as it helps the mother lose weight, she should still watch her food intake. Since nursing mothers need additional food, they should have a balanced diet to avoid gaining too much weight.

It helps reduce the risk of postpartum depression, which can affect a majority of new mothers. Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of urinary tract infection and anemia for mothers. And among the most important benefits that breastfeeding gives is that it increases the emotional and physical bond between the mother and her baby, which can help the child overcome behavioral and social issues as he grows up.

While mothers gain weight when pregnant, they can lose this through exercise, a balanced diet, and taking care of their babies.


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