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WaxVac Review!

Night Helper Blog WaxVac
Night Helper Blog WaxVac

I’m sure many of you have seen the infomercial WaxVac on TV numerous times. It is a new product on line that states it can help remove wax  & moisture from your ears. The small suction vac is said to draw small dirt particles & moist from inside the ear effectively, safely and quick.

It is designed to make cleaning your ears better than the use of cotton swabs, which we all use daily. Cotton swabs have been used for many years but what you don’t know is the daily use of cotton swabs can and sometimes will push the wax particles further down the ear canal.

When I was given the opportunity to test  WaxVac I was super excited. My husband and I both will be able to try out the WaxVac being that he always seems to have a wax build-up, plus when swimming everyone complains about moisture being left in their ears.

I tried the WaxVac suction tool and to be honest it worked rather fine. It was effectively in removing the wax from my ears.The WaxVac wasn’t uncomfortable at all, it was easy as one, two, three to use.

I can’t wait for my husband to give it a try I’m hoping he will have good results too. I think the WaxVac would be a great suction tool to have on hand in assisting you with your wax problems.

The WaxVac comes with :

2 WaxVac Ear Cleaners

16-color coded silicone tips

2 Cleaning Brushes.

It can be used for both adults and children, has a examining light on tip and is cordless plus gentle, powerful, safe and requires batteries.

Retails for $10.00 with a 30 day guarantee. Visit WaxVac  today to learn more!


Remember children should be supervise when using this product!





Disclaimer Statement

I was not compensated for this post, however I did receive a product sample from WaxVac. The opinions expressed in this post are 100% of my own and any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified by the above mentioned store, PR,or product designer.



Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

15 thoughts on “WaxVac Review!

  • I never watch tv, so I’ve never seen this before. My 6 year old needs some serious ear wax removal. His little ears are like a wax factory. Glad to hear it actually works, I would love to try it.

  • I’ve seen the commercials for this product where the guy yells. haha! This product would be much safer than using those cotton swabs, something that wasn’t even meant to go inside the inner ear canal. Thanks for the review!

  • I would love this!! So much better than q tips.

  • I’ve seen this commercial often…never thought that anyone would use it. It just seems so weird. I know that you aren’t supposed to use cotton swabs in your ears, but I can’t resist.

  • Sounds interesting. This is my first time hearing about this product.

  • We just saw this on TV a little while ago. Doesn’t sound like something I would want to have to clean to be honest. I have enough ucky chores now. Would have to think about it.

  • Wish I had this when my children were younger. Thanks for the info.

  • My daughter has issues with bad ear wax build up, she had a bad ear infection one day when she was younger took her in, and her ear was full. When they suctioned it out I was not only ashamed but grossed out. I think this would be an awesome product to have to help keep the build up down.

  • I have been wondering if this product worked and if it was uncomfortable to use. Thank you so much for the review.

  • I’ve never heard of this before. Interesting concept for sure!!

  • My son wants this so bad I think it would be hard to clean

  • I actually have never heard of these. Good to know something like this exists!

  • I didn’t like the Wax Vac. Ours broke the first time we used it, but it seemed to remove some of the wax. We did one ear with the vac and the other one without and used a qtip to see our results.

  • Thank you for this review I have been really wondering about these. I want to get one for my son. Thank you for sharing this valuable information and helping me with my purchase.


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