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Verizon Care Smart Watch Helps Senior Keep Track Of Their Medicines! #caresmart #verizon

Disclosure: Howdy everyone, I wanted to inform you that Verizon has sponsored this post. However the opinions expressed in this post are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guideline.


Hello everyone, today we want to talk some more about Verizon spectacular Care Smart Watch! As we shared with you before in our last editorial, this watch is unique and great for Seniors!

The Verizon Care Smart Watch is a wearable watched designed to keep you connected to your elderly loved one no matter where they go! Not only keeping them connected, but it has other technology features that are beneficial to every older adult.

Let’s say your mom or dad has some underlying conditions that require them to take medication routinely, and sometimes they forget. Well, the Verizon Care Smart Watch can assist them with a reminder every day if needed. Even your parent’s caregiver can keep an eye on your loved ones daily medication regiment by checking out the easy to use Verizon Care Smart Watch app on their phone!

It’s a straightforward app to use, go into the app once downloaded, visit where it states reminders, add text needed in the required box for the reminder, and set the desired time you need to assist in reminding you!

Once you’ve completed each simple step, your app will display your reminder is ready. When the desired time comes to remind you it’s time to take your medicine, the Verizon Care Smart Watch will ring off and display a clear message that it’s “Time To Take Your Medicine“! The watch will ring off until you dismiss it. 

The best part about having this Verizon Care Smart Watch on hand is all the incredible technology within. So many ways to assist the seniors, and to be honest, it’s even great for me.

Just last month, I had a scare and had to go to the Hospital. I left my phone at home that day, but I did have on my Verizon Care Smart Watch. I communicated with my oldest daughter during the whole time via the Verizon Care Smart Watch, and it was AWESOME! Once I knew about my new meds, I went into the settings and created a reminder right then.

So, you see, even I had a chance to experience how easy it is to use features like reminder settings, streamlined calling and texting, text-to-speech, and one-button.

The Verizon Care Smart Watch is a GREAT investment, and again the watch helps seniors stay effortlessly connected with loved ones with easy-to-use functions and simplified calling and texting.


The Care Smart Watch costs $149.99 or $6.24/mo 24 Monthly payments.

Monthly connected (existing customers) $10 x month
Monthly standalone (new customers) $15 x month
Special Promo from now thru 12/31: Get $50 off Care Smart watch with any smartphone purchase



Disclosure: Howdy everyone, I wanted to inform you that Verizon has sponsored this post. However the opinions expressed in this post are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guideline.




Welcome to the Night Helper Blog. The Night Helper Blog was created in 2008. Since then we have been blessed to partner with many well-known Brands like Best Buy, Fisher Price, Toys "R" US., Hasbro, Disney, Teleflora, ClearCorrect, Radio Shack, VTech, KIA Motor, MAZDA and many other great brands. We have three awesome children, plus four adorable very active grandkids. From time to time they too are contributors to the Night Helper Blog. We enjoy reading, listening to music, entertaining, travel, movies, and of course blogging.

27 thoughts on “Verizon Care Smart Watch Helps Senior Keep Track Of Their Medicines! #caresmart #verizon

  • Didn’t have a clue they had something like this! I will have to get one of these for my 80 yr old mom.

  • love the look for this ty for the chance 🙂

  • my son would love this ty 🙂

  • Some great ideas and what a beautiful watch!

  • Wow……that looks like such a great, useful product. I know some seniors that could definitely use this instead of trying to remember on their own.

  • A really nice smartwatch with a reminder enclosed is wonderful.

  • Technology is so amazing! I can see where this would be beneficial for my 75 year old dad. AND, I love Verizon!

  • This is a great idea. My Mother could definitely use something like this.

  • This would be great for my grandma who forgets to take her heart medicine. Thanks for the great review. xoxo

  • My MIL would love this.

  • It’s the norm for me not to recall weather I took all my medication or not.When i’m in doubt I go back and count back to my refill date to try figure it out, but that’s not always helpful.This watch would save me time and put the doubt to rest.

  • Wow this would be great for anyone who has daily medications to take even if they are not a senior. And I am seriously think of getting this for myself.

  • What a great way to keep track of one’s meds or the meds of someone that you are hlping to take care of.

  • sounds good to me looking good

  • This sounds great for me.

  • My grandma has dementia. This would be an amazing gadget for her, I just don’t know if she would use it

    • This sounds awesome

  • What a great idea. I wish I had one when my mom was alive. She would forget to take her medicine all the time.

  • This sounds like a great new must have for my husband to keep him on track with his medications. Thank you for this insightful information!

  • What a great gift idea for elderly parents. This would ease a lot of the worries my siblings and I have.

  • This is a very clever idea. I know I forget stuff and I am not even a senior yet lol. Very nice!

  • I would love one of these for my mom! 😀

  • Verizon Care Smart Watch is such a great idea for anyone to have. But it is especially helpful and important for Seniors. This would be a wonderful gift.

  • This is ingenious! I can’t believe the technology nowadays is so advanced and smart!! Pretty soon science will have clones/robots doing surgeries!
    I could really use something like this for my many meds! Right now my husband gives them to me daily!! This is pin worthy!
    I heard that these watches are expensive though! This would make an excellent gift!
    Thank you for sharing!

  • I love this! This smartwatch would be great for my mom!

  • WOW! I really like this and love the idea of this. I think in my life right now , I could definitely benefit from having one of these.


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