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Health & Fitness

VA Hospital Not Giving The Care My Friend Angie Father Needs!!!

            This Post is from a Dear Friend(Angie) of mine who is seeking HELP!

My father is currently at a VA Hospital that I feel is not not giving the care my sick father needs. Hes getting worse and this has been going on for sometime now. Please read my story and help me share this with as many people as we can in hope that we can find the right person to help him.

I know many of you are in need of help, and many of you would like the help people in need as well. For example did you know there are sites on the internet like Wishuponahero.com with people who make wishes for anything from medical care, food, help with bills, and small simple wish for things as small as a card. Then an Angel can come along and grant that wish. No wish is to small or to big.

Today I decided to make a wish in hopes for find an Angel for my Father. My father has been in and out of the James A. HaleyVeterans Hospital in Tampa, Florida. He has been to the Emergency Room 6 times in the last month with severe stomach pains and tremors and other symptoms. They tell him that his vital signs look good and send him home.



VA Hospital Not Giving The Care My Sick Father Needs

They finally admitted him after I decided to called the Director and Chief of Staff and told them my concerns and how sick he is. I am very scared I will loose my father if he doesn’t get the proper care he needs. This has been going on a few months now. And they can’t seem to tell him or us what’s wrong with him. No clear answers. And he’s getting worse everyday. He recently recovered from cancer of the esophagus about 4 months ago. Then he started getting sicker. First it was a UTI infection and then kidney stones. After that he started not being able to sleep and feeling very ill and didn’t want to do anything. Next severe nausea started to happen every day to the point where he can’t eat or drink enough to get down the proper nutrition his body needs which is causing him to also drop weight. The next thing that started happening is severe stomach pains and tremors along with all of his other symptoms.

I don’t know what to do and he feels so sick that he thinks he not going to make it much longer. He can’t go to a regular hospital to get better care until he is eligible for Medicare and that won’t be for another year. I feel that he is not getting the care and urgency that he would get in a regular hospital.  They sent him home last week. because they stated that they have done several tests and they came back good. I asked the student Dr. because that’s what that hospital mostly has. ” So your telling me he can go home and he will be perfectly fine and won’t die?” They could not tell me yes and still he’s getting worse and now he’s back in the hospital again.

He was there for an appointment and the lady who saw him shaking badly and said “you need to be admitted.” So after his appointment he went to the ER and told them. They got him in and the ER Dr. said “what do you want us to do Mike?” My dad said I need to be admitted I am very sick. The Dr. said well we can do that but I am gonna tell you now they are only going to do the same thing they did before.

He has been there since Friday and won’t see the Dr. again till Tuesday. I am looking for a Dr. willing to help my dad and find out what’s wrong before the worst happens.

I have also posted a wish on Wish Upon A Hero here http://www.wishuponahero.com/wishes/?id=1414035.

If you are a Dr. I am asking if you would please consider helping him. I can’t offer you much but will be forever grateful.

Please share in hopes my plea will reach the right person.

If you prefer to share my Facebook post you can do that as well. You can find my post here.

Please help my friend  Angie and her Dad get the adequate care he so deserve!!!.


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2 thoughts on “VA Hospital Not Giving The Care My Friend Angie Father Needs!!!

  • I am a Veteran, and so is my father in law. He is dependent on the VA healthcare system, and has had similar problems you’re mentioning here. In addition to asking for help from Dr.s I would suggest contacting the state’s congressman and representatives…. I will be praying for your father!


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