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Health & Fitness

How to Use a Stationary Bike Like A Pro

You only want the best out of a stationary bike. Bike like a pro in this guide that will ultimately allow you to reap the benefits only stationary bikes can provide.

Stationary bikes are probably one of the more visible equipment you can find in any gym. It’s also easier to use and only require minimal space – essentially a tool which can be used more conveniently by any type of user, young or adult. But as convenient as it looks from a visible eye, working the device is easier said than done. And when one isn’t too keen on executing the exercise quite properly, the accompanying benefits from that workout is lost entirely. Worse, you might end up hurting your butt, numbing your feet, and experience pain in your knees and back.

That said, one must be equipped with the right know-how, from setting the bike up to propping yourself up on the device -each of these steps is vital if not more than required than ever. Now, let’s get right to it:

How to Set Up and Use a Stationary Bike

The most crucial part of this routine doesn’t rely on the workout entirely. No, it’s been revealed that some people tend to forget how to set up the bike properly, a vital step that couldn’t be more emphasized if one wants to get the full benefits from stationary biking. The steps below will ensure that the bike is set up properly and right to your advantage when you use it:


1.)    First, make certain that your hip is roughly in line with the bike’s saddle. You can do this by standing beside the equipment before adjusting the seat.


2.)    Next, the handlebars must be adjusted in a way that they’re leveled roughly with the saddle. Raised handlebars right above the height of the saddle entail a more upright position which will provide you a comfortable session. Meanwhile, a lowered handlebar may give you some discomfort despite the heightened aerodynamics.


3.)    Settle on the bike by sitting on it before you place your feet right on the pedals.  After that, push one side of your leg down at the pedal stroke’s bottom. Make certain that your leg is bent to approximately 10 to 15 degrees. While doing this, your foot must be flat and that you shouldn’t lean to the side.


The right height of seat must be attained so make sure that you also adjust it accordingly. Most seasoned users recommend a “slightly too low” seat as opposed to having a “slightly too high” seat.


4.)    Your feet must be placed directly above the pedal spindle. Meanwhile, clips or toe straps must be tightened and fit snugly on your feet.


5.)    Make sure that you don’t lean forward from your lower back. Instead, you have to lean forward from your hips. Remember to sit tall during this step.


6.)    Begin pedaling smoothly without having to bounce up and down. If you find yourself bouncing up and down, you must be doing it too fast or that your resistance must not be enough. Gun for approximately 70 to 90 rpm in this round.


7.)    Remember not just to stomp on the pedals. More importantly, these pedals must be pushed forward and down before pulling them accordingly. When doing this, your legs and your ankles must be used as well. During this, “active pedaling” is achieved.

More Winning Tips

Some bodily problems may occur inevitably when you’re using exercise bikes. Here are some golden tips to avoid them:

  • If your butt ends up sore or in pain, you may want to check your saddle. It may be placed a bit higher. Perform some necessary adjustments or replace the saddle if it still persists.
  • Does your feet number after exercising? Chances are high that your toe straps are not that fit or that your saddle is situated a bit higher as well. Your shoes can also be held accountable for this discomfort. Try checking if they’re laced a bit tight or they could be too narrow for your feet.
  • Are you experiencing back and knee pain? Try leaning forward from your hips as opposed to generating it from your back. Also, ensure that your saddle isn’t placed higher than the handlebars.

Concluding Thoughts

Stationary bikes are indeed one of the more indispensable equipment out there. But these bikes only become beneficial if one is keen enough to know how to use them properly. With the detailed and laid out guide above, your legs are certainly on their way to their healthier version in no time.


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10 thoughts on “How to Use a Stationary Bike Like A Pro

  • These are great tips! I see way too many people stomping on the pedals at the gym.

  • I love stationary bikes…I just wish they were more comfortable on the booty.

  • Thank you for the great tips for using a stationary bike. I have found that using a stationary bike is an easy way to get back into exercising.

  • Thank you so much for sharing all the great tips! I’ve got so much to learn and these tips are definitely going to help me out.

  • I just move the seat till I can comfortable pedal and off I go. I had no idea there was a way to set it up for optimal exercise!

  • That looks like a lot of fun.

  • I never heard of these before

  • I love stationary bikes! They are easy to use and have really helped to strengthen my legs.


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