
Unlocking Efficiency: The Power of Email Faxing in the Digital Age

Alexander Bain invented the electric printing telegraph back in the 1840s. At that time, the machine was a marvel. Nobody could have predicted where it would take communications over the years, but this man is the one people need to thank for the facsimile machine that allows documents to be transmitted electronically. Without his electric printing telegraph, we may not have this technology today.

The Popularity of Fax Machines

Fax machines took off in the 1980s. Within a decade, they could be found in most offices and some homes. People loved that they could send documents and images without ever leaving their offices. They saved time and money while still getting essential tasks done.

However, technology continues to advance. The standalone fax machines that were commonplace a few decades ago have now been replaced. You might see one here or there, but most people today use digital technologies to send and receive faxes. They love to use email for faxing because they don’t even have to get up from their desks. They can continue working knowing the documents are on the way to the recipient.

Online Fax Services

Certain industries are heavily regulated today and require real signatures rather than electronic ones. Internet-based fax services allow users to send and receive these documents just as they would any e-mail. Doing so complies with industry regulations.

Increased Efficiency

Digital fax services optimize office efficiency. Staff members won’t need training for physical fax machines. They are already familiar with how e-mail works and can send faxes using this technology.

The company won’t incur costs related to maintaining the fax technology. These expenses are built into the IT budget. Many people are computer technicians today. Try finding someone to repair a physical fax machine. The process could be long and arduous. Business owners find they save time and money by moving to digital faxing.


Business needs ebb and flow. For example, retailers often see more business during the holidays as people shop for loved ones. They may need to send and receive more faxes than usual. Digital fax technology allows companies to scale their services as needed. Why pay for a physical fax machine, paper, toner, and more when these items won’t be needed regularly? Benefit from technology and know the fax service will be available anytime for all who need it.

Less Downtime

Anyone who has owned a physical fax machine knows how these devices break down. While computers might also fail, replacing them is much easier than replacing a physical fax machine. In addition, the computer can be used for other purposes, so the company isn’t dedicating a large sum of its money to a machine that only serves one purpose. Email faxing will always be available if the person can access a device and the internet.

Using the Fax Service

Digital fax technology allows people to do numerous things. The service allows them to send and receive faxes using any web browser or email service and on mobile devices such as smartphones. Many services include the option of signing documents digitally or adding photos with a smartphone camera. However, business owners must ensure the selected fax provider uses Transport Layer Security protocols to guarantee all information sent and received using the technology is safe from prying eyes.

Learn more today about digital faxing and its many benefits. Companies that make the switch gain a competitive edge because they can better meet clients’ needs. They can help customers immediately without delay, which clients are certain to appreciate.


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