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Trip To Dubai: 25 Interesting Facts About The City

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Dubai is a city and emirate on the Gulf Coast of the United Arab Emirates, renowned for its superior hotel service, malls, cutting edge architecture, restaurants and nightlife.

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It is hard to imagine that some 50 years ago there were no high-rise buildings here, numerous shops, cafes and nicely equipped beaches. Instead of all this luxury, a small port town huddled on the coast of the bay, the inhabitants of which were mainly earned their living on pearling. Pearls were exchanged with merchants for food, tools and clothing.

Now it is the most gorgeous and ultra-modern city in the Middle East, which can be safely called a tourist diamond. It harmoniously combines old mosques and the latest architectural structures, winding quiet streets and highways, sandy beaches and fashionable boutiques, Arab and European traditions.


Dubai provides unique opportunities for sea recreation and shopping. Numerous state-of-the-art shopping malls offer their customers world-class goods at the lowest prices every day. The annual shopping festival is of particular interest, during which discounts reach 70%. But that is not all. We have prepared a list of interesting facts for those who have not yet been to this emirate. And if you have already come here, we hope you will learn something new for yourself. Let’s start!

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1. Upon arrival in Dubai, at the airport you must undergo a retinal scan. If you were deported and changed your passport and even citizenship, this will not save you from secondary deportation. The procedure is painless and does not take much time.

2. Air conditioners are everywhere, even at bus stops. In summer, the temperature sometimes exceeds +50 °C. The temperature in January and December is + 28 during the day and +18 at night. The climate is very hot and humid.

3. There are special carriages for women in the Dubai metro. Men are strictly forbidden to enter there. And violators will travel to the police station.

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4. The crime rate in Dubai, like in all the Emirates, is considered low. Here you can safely enjoy the beauty of the streets and have fun at discos until late at night.

5. Dubai is home to the largest number of Airbus A380. It is the largest passenger aircraft in the world. The cost of such an airliner is about $490 million. The record holder for the number of A380s is Emirates airline. There are even a shower and a bar on board.

6. According to various estimates, up to 90% of the population of Dubai are immigrants working in the service and construction sectors. This percentage varies from year to year.

7. Convenience stores are very, very few. Everything closes at 11 pm. Even not all pharmacies are open at night.

8. For a public indecent gesture or swearing, you can get a fine or go to jail. Fighting is also highly discouraged. Therefore, everyone tries to be as polite as possible. In case of a conflict, the first person to report to the police is usually right.

9. The subway is automatic without a driver. The first of its kind in the world. There are only 2 lines: red and green. The first cab is of superior comfort, the ticket costs 2 times more. The cost of the ticket depends on the duration of the trip.

10. The most popular type of transport in the city is a taxi or rental cars. Many local companies offer different types and classes of autos for renting. One of them is https://evolve.ae/.

11. Gold is one of the most popular goods in the Emirates. So you can buy it not only in jewelry stores but also in ordinary vending machines like those that sell coffee and chocolate bars. The computer inside the machine changes the price of gold every 10 minutes in accordance with the fluctuations in the market.

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12. The glory of the highest city in the world was cemented thanks to the Burj Khalifa (828 m) and the crazy pace of construction.

13. Dubailand is still being built. The largest amusement park on the planet will include artificial islands and resorts. You can visit the territory of the complex, but the full opening of the park has not yet taken place.

14. In 2005, Ski Dubai, the first ski park in the Middle East, was presented at the Mall of the Emirates, Dubai’s largest shopping center. This is one of the largest indoor complexes with artificially created snow. It works all year round and can fit about 1.5 thousand guests at the same time.

15. The world’s highest tennis court is located in the city of Dubai, on the Burj Al Arab hotel’s roof. The court is separated from the surface of the ground by a distance of 321 meters.

16. Dubai has the longest coastline in the world. The city stretches for 130 kilometres.

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17. If you are a tourist, you can drive a car with an international driver’s license. If you a resident, you need to obtain a local one. You must go to a driving school and learn from scratch and take exams regardless of your experience.

18. There is no need to pay taxes in Dubai, which is why many wealthy people live here and do business.

19. Some hotels in Dubai have 7 stars. A night costs good money. It is impossible to check-in without prior booking.

20. The food is of reasonably nice quality and very tasty. The state strictly monitors the class of products.

21. The cuisine is very diverse, the entire Arab world is widely represented, as well as China and India. There are also European restaurants.

22. There is a special female taxi in Dubai. It is distinguished from other cars by a pink roof and a female driver. Such a taxi serves only women and families.

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23. The Dubai Police Force fleet of service vehicles contains ultra-fast and ultra-expensive Bugatti, Lamborghini, Ferrari and other flashy cars.

24. In 1968, there were only 13 registered vehicles in the whole of Dubai.

25. To have a cheetah, tiger or lion as a pet is a common practice. Many Dubai residents post photos and videos of predators on social media. It is in the nature of things when seeing a cheetah sitting in the front seat of a luxury car.


It is simply impossible to list all the facts about Dubai. Going to this emirate, be prepared to face new things for you, a different culture and strict rules. This city can surprise everyone. Enjoy every day here! And you should definitely save some money before the trip. Good luck!



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